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The Sky
And the sky went over a day like today.
The rain started to pour down on a certain moment of time.
A day like today , you would give up anything for.
It was certain that everything seemed boring in a life.
The light of having stars in a world
Can be over great.
When not knowing when this moment will approach,
One can get pretty nervous.
To happy to speak and see.
Really only to dream.

Looking up to the clouds,
The sun went through over the face of a angel.
His eyes were blue and dark.
The secret crush of having this moment never to end.
On this mark of Santa's Land.

On and on the movie was made.
Never to see one day again through the eyes.
Only a sweet memory.
Misty Lynn Lackey

June 26, 1999

I saw a guy in Santa's Land today that looked just like
Timothy Hutton to the T. He had his face features, blue
eyes everything. All except his hair was a little light.
I didnt have enough courage to ask him if he was related
to Timothy Hutton. If anyone can find out if he has a
brother or a realted look alike to him. Please let me
know. I almost flipped.

A New Picture Out Of The Best Magazine Around US!

Kevin Bacon and His Brother's Album Forosoco

Below Is Pics Of ME In The Elf Suit

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Timothy Hutton Movie Poll
What's your favorite Timothy Hutton movie?

The Temp
French Kiss
Beautiful Girls
Playing God

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A Poem I Wrote For The Kids That Died In CO.

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