Welcome to my homepage! My
name is Katie, and I am the brains behind this site. This site
was created in May of 1997. Back then, I only had interest in
dogs. My whole life was just dogs! Times have changed, and so has
this site. I now have many many interest, and I decided to share
a few with you on this site. You can learn about my babies (which
are my dogs), the gerbils and fish, and me!! Plus my other
Ok, so you want to learn
more about me? Well, I will tell you a bit about myself in just a
minute! First, I want to talk about my dogs. I own 2 dogs, Emma
my 1 yr old Golden Retriever, and George my 7 yr old Basset
Hound. I show Emma in obedience, and George is retired from any
training. You can learn more about Emma at her page, Emma's
Homepage. Or you can visit George's Homepage.
I created a page that is
all about me!! It just gives you some information on me, what I
enjoy, ect. I know...its not the most exciting page there is!
Click here to enter Katie's Dreamland!
A baby here, and a baby
there. In only 10 short days, my 2 pairs of gerbils gave birth to
a total of 17 gerbils, but only 14 survived. So now, I own 18
gerbils total, that includes adults and that babies. I created a
adoption center for my gerbils, since the babies need new homes.
Click here to enter the Parker Clan adoption zone.
~Still in the process of being created! Please bookmark us and visit again soon~