The full name for Cursillo (ker-see-yo) is Cursillo de Christiandad.
"Cursillo" means "short course". The full name of the movement translates into English as "a short course in Christian Living".
In our Baptismal Covenant, we make a commitment to proclaim by word and example the Good News in Christ, and to seek and serve Christ in all persons. Cursillo helps us to fulfill our Christian commitment.
A three-day Cursillo weekend helps you experience your faith and encourages a spiritual life that is filled with joy and enthusiasm. You are invited to seek an enriched relationship with God through Jesus Christ within the framework of a Christian Community.
Most persons who are part of Cursillo start by attending a three day program called "The Weekend". It is a "retreat" only in the sense that the group attempts to limit the influence of the outside world.
The Cursillo weekend is a deeply moving experience in which we ask ourselves: What am I doing here? What does God want of me? What does Christ see in me? What do I see in Christ? What is Christ saying to me?
Cursillo started in Mallorca, Spain by the Roman Catholic Church. It was developed by laymen under the leadership of their bishop as a way of "christianizing" their environment. From Spain, Cursillo spread to the United States, to the Episcopal Church, and to other Christian traditions.
Each participant must have a sponsor. The sponsor is responsible for providing his or her Candidate with an application form, seeing that it is completed properly, signed by a priest and mailed for processing. Sponsors are also responsible for ensuring that the Candidate clearly understands the concept and objectives of Cursillo, seeing that the Candidate arrives for the Weekend on time, has transportation home and is integrated into the Cursillo community after the weekend.
Each individual who returns from the Weekend with a renewed commitment to work for Christ is encouraged to join in the activities of an existing community of persons who have also experienced the weekend. The purpose of this community is to give strength and support to each other in order that each person might grow in faith and develop their particular gifts of ministry. The support is provided through two methods:
Meetings that are held once a month when several people gather together for PRAYER, STUDY, and ACTION. If you have difficulty finding a 4th Day Group, remember that "when two or more are gathered in my name...". So you can create your own group with as few as one other Cursillista!
Meetings of larger groups of people, usually from more than one parish, who have either participated in a Weekend or who might be interested in doing so. Here we share and witness to each other so that the Church and our own faith may be enhanced. Utlreyas in our area are mailed out in The Western Idaho Cursillo Pipeline. We have people from Idaho and Oregon in attendance.
What does "De Colores" mean?
In Spanish, it simply means "the colors". It's also the name of a song traditionally sung on Cursillo weekends that praises the beauty of the diversity and simplicity of God's creation. "De Colores" has also come to be used as a greeting among cursillistas (those who have attended a Cursillo weekend.
The rooster has long been a Christian witness symbol. The bright colors on the rooster images associated with Cursillo represent the diversity and beauty of God's creation.
Cursillo in the Episcopal diocese of Western Idaho is open to any adult, man or woman, married or single, who is active church member and is seeking a deeper relationship with Christ. Laity and clergy alike are invited to join the fellowship. Husbands and wives may attend the same Cursillo Weekend, or they may go on different weekends.
In our community we have people of different faiths.
Cursillo applications must be approved by the sponcer's or applicant's parish priest before being submitted.
Is there a cost?
NO -- not a penny is asked of the Candidate! This is our gift to you.