10 Gallon Micro-Reef

What started off as a sump for my 40 gallon mini-reef has blossomed into one of my most interesting projects in all of my 10+ years in the aquarium hobby. It all started with a visit to a local pet shop. There, on the counter, was a modest 7 gallon micro-reef with caulerpa and coralline algae's thriving with several species of mushrooms and leather corals. I talked to the owner and he was telling me that all he does is change a small portion of the water every month and adds water conditioner and kalkwasser solution each week. I thought to myself, if he could accomplish this with such a small tank and minimal filtration and lighting, I could accomplish even more with a couple of modifications.

My system is based on the Berlin method of reefkeeping, using only live rock and a good quality skimmer. I have a very thin layer of aragonite substrate and approximately 25 lbs. of Figi Islands live rock. The micro-reef in the store was using only a small Duetto internal filter for filtration and water circulation. I have an Amiracle hang-on protein skimmer, rated for up to 60 gallons, with a Maxi-Jet 1000 powerhead providing a gentle current and also running the skimmer. The micro-reef in the store is using only one strip light, while I have started my micro off with 2 18" 15 watt bulbs; one 50/50 daylight bulb, and a Actini O3 bulb. I plan to add two more bulbs to the hood in the future as needed.

My livestock is as follows:


Neon Green Tree Leather - Nepthea sp.
Finger Leather - Sinularia sp.
Pulsing Xenia - Heteroxenia sp.
Derasa Clam - Tridacna Derasa
Hawaiian Feather Duster - Sabella penicillus
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis (2)
Pink Nudibranch - ?
Astrea Snails - Astrea Tecta (2)
Turbo Snails - ? (2)
Scarlet Reef Hermits - Petrochirus diogenes (6)


Purple Dottyback - Pseudochromis porphyreus
Six-line Wrasse - Pseudochelinus hexataenia
Sailfin Tang - ?

10 Gallon Micro-Reef Pictures!