How to Add Your Ancestors to this Web Site
Contact me by e-mail
if you would like to add your Saulnier family tree to our research. The
minimum information I would like is:
- Name and any aka.
- date and place of birth.
- date and place of death.
- date and place of marriage.
- clearly show relationships.
- your name and some way to contact you if I have questions (this is
for me).
- whether you want me to list you as a source for further information
on the web site (I will respect your privacy, but I will not post any anonymous
- any other info you'd like to send is gravy, and I certainly won't turn
it down.
Preferred format for submitting information is Family Tree Maker file
format, but I will accept GEDCOM, PAF, or any other way you can get it
to me.
If you feel that any of the information I'm showing in these pages
is incorrect, please let me know.
I'm willing to acknowledge that your source may be better than mine. In
many cases, I've had to choose between conflicting sources.
Mary A. Sonier
Site Created 1 November 1997
This page updated 20 February 1998
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