Saulnier Genealogy

The Saulnier Genealogy HomePage

Alfred J. Sonier & Parents c.1916

This page is dedicated to my father, Alfred Joseph Sonier (1915-1996), son of Alfred Phillip Sonier, who discovered his roots late in life. (Shown here with his parents, c.1916.)


In recent years computers, and in particular the Internet, have increased interest in genealogy, making it easier to find and share information. I have found many other Acadian descendants who were gracious enough to share the product of their research (many of them you'll find on the Links page), but no one has concentrated on the Saulnier lines.

This site is devoted to the descendants of Louis Saulnier and Louise Bastinaud dit Pelletier, who arrived in Acadia, New France (now Nova Scotia) c.1685.


If you are a Sonier, Saulnier, Sonnier, Saunier, or any variation thereof, I want to hear from you! Please contact me, Mary A. Sonier.

If you have a Saulnier family tree (even if you can't connect it back to Louis), please share it with us.


In order to minimize individual file size, each page is restricted to 4 generations. A person is linked to the page which continues their line. The Alpha Listing links to descendancy pages.

I do have ancestors for many of the wives. Visit my Sonier/Saulnier site at Family Tree Maker Online, or contact me for more information.

Are you ready? Great, let's go!

Louis Saulnier comes to Acadia, New France. (not my site.)

Saulnier Genealogy - starting with Louis Saulnier & Louise Bastinaud dit Pelletier.

Alphabetical Listing of Names in my Database

Procedures & Policies used in this Site

Links to Acadian Genealogy and History, and other helpful sites, as well as Family Pages of Saulnier descendants.

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Contribute / Links / Alpha List / Louis Saulnier

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Heartland Genealogy Society Member 1998 Mary A. Sonier
Site Created 1 November 1997
last updated 20 February 1998

visitors since 15 November 1997

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