ZDU banner (4374 bytes)
Paint Shop Pro 5
August Class

Lesson 1

ZDU Daisy jpg (2901 bytes)

11.gif (2890 bytes)

12.gif (2875 bytes)

13.gif (3093 bytes)

14.gif (3101 bytes)

02.jpg (2901 bytes)


Lesson topics:
Tools and textbooks
New features in Version 5
Creating simple web graphics
02.jpg (2901 bytes)

02.jpg (2901 bytes)

Creating simple web graphics
My Lesson 1 page serves as the splash page. The ZDU banner and the flower images were made using the bezier line and one pixel dots. The buttons were buttonized.

Interestingly, the Lesson 3 & 4 buttons are slightly  bigger in bytes than the others, yet each button was made with the same process. Fonts were antialiased.

Why are they antialiased or  unantialisaed? Why not antialiased or aliased?

02.jpg (2901 bytes)

02.jpg (2901 bytes)

Compare file size of different types of images

psp5_8_98_tiger.gif (29514 bytes)
Above Image - jpg = 5 kb
This image is crisper than
the one below.

psp5_8_98_tiger.jpg (4512 bytes)
Above Image - gif = 29 kb

02.jpg (2901 bytes)

02.jpg (2901 bytes)


newlogo.gif (3625 bytes) The place to be!

Site by SMorris. © 1998
