You've found your way to the little spot on the Internet
that I've elected to establish as
Rich's Place
Warmest of welcomes to you one and all.
Landed here 11/22/97, 19:28:35.
The primary purpose here, one of the finer things in life,
And 91 (63%)
Now let's find the rest of them!!
Goal = 100% >> BOTH CLASSES!!
We have a FINE SGHS Alumni and Reunion Information web site.
is to gather up my classmates from 1957,
and others, from classes '56 thru '60 - '61,
of San Gabriel High School in San Gabriel, California.
Total of 232 (81%)
of 286 grads in the Class of '57
accounted for as of 04-11-07.
of 146 grads in the Class of '56.
Please visit
Leave a message for your classmates and friends in Alumni Entries.
Visit the site soon, and often.
Then - - - - go look up your own school's site!
You can also find classmates and friends at
On October 22, 1997, I plugged the name 'San Gabriel High School' into the slot of a search engine. I was was VERY impressed with the SGHS web site that my search turned up. It was undoubtedly the best one I've had the occassion to look at.
Soon after, the two ladies named below convinced me that I should 'get a web site' and 'build a page'. I undertook learning html, and opened this page on November 22, 1997, a month to the day after discovering the SGHS site, with the ultimate goal of a reunion.
Finding out where everybody is is the toughest part of the project. The "'57 Matador" page lists those we have positively located, and in most cases, contacted. It will also have the latest progress reports on the reunion path.
Substantial interest has been expressed in a possible '56, '57, '58, '59 gathering. Your feedback on this idea would be of great value.
Please use the link below and check out '57 Matador, sign our guestbook, drop me an email, and visit often.
Many thanks to ~~a soft voice~~
*smile*, and
(California girl).
It was their encouragement and help that got me started on this new adventure.
[And by golly, this really IS, fun!!] : )
There will soon be a special place for more like the above verse.
Things are rolling along pretty well now,
Come back and visit again soon, and often.
Sign My Guestbook
.... and/or ....
Drop me an email
Many thanks to fellow Californian,
Adorable angels - - animated.gif (c) Kitty Roach
Of My Precious Daughters
My girls have in them
as do I
a quiet, patient, knowing,
and loving spot.
It is a visible part of them
that I can see
like it were a mountain.
I know they ‘know’ it too.
Whether they recognize it or not,
it’s there.
And, whether they know it or not
I know,
that spot
IS me,
in them.
Loving and loved father
Susan Tracy
As it seems to be with all things,
nothing remains the same, and so it is here.
I'd like for the page to just pop up right here,
but if that can be done, I don't know how (yet).
So I have to ask you to click on, and go to
' 57 Matador
but there is still much, much more to be done.
But in the meantime, please,
View My Guestbook
the very talented, Will Greenway, Paradox Concepts,
for the use of his animated gif.
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