The Motley Family of Virginia and Tennessee

Researching the Motley family from Capt.Joseph Mottley, Gloucester Co. VA, Capt.Daniel Motley of Pittsylvania Co. Va. and all the relatives of my grandmother, Julia Ethel Motley of Marion Co. Tennessee. Appreciate your help, if you have any information on this family.

This is Levi Motley of Amelia County Va, with Dot Stowe, a school friend, picture is dated 1936.

Thomas Henry Motley and Sallie Diar Bise Motley

My Great Grandparents, Thomas Henry is the son of Issac O. Motley and Lucy Williams of Pittsylvania County Virginia. Sarah (Sallie) Diar Bise is the daughter of Edley Campbell Bise and Mary Jane Campbell Bise of Smyth County VA.


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Mottley and Williams AMELIA County,VA.
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