This is my dog Heidi. Heidi is a pure bred, though somewhat mutant, miniature schnauzer. We got her almost 13 years ago, when I was 11. Doesn't look too bad for a senior citizen, does she?
Why should anyone get a miniature schnauzer? Well, although NO dog is considered Hypo-allergenic, the schnauzer comes pretty darn close. They don't "shed" like the normal dog does. So the reverse of this would be you need to spend about $30 bucks every other month(at least), for them to get professionally groomed. If you wait too long, they tend to look like
Many people also like the independent terrier personality that the schnauzer has. And like other terriers, they are robust, vigorous dogs, not frail at all. Of course this independent personality makes training a tad bit difficult. My dog is highly motivated by food. I have never seen a butt go down so fast or so hard as when I say sit with a treat in my hand(most of the time it is down before I can even say it! She knows what's coming).
I personally will never own another schnauzer. I have had many people tell me that Heidi does not act like a typical schnauzer. She is much more friendly, mild mannered, and demonstrative than most, and she can still be very aloof!! The thing that surprised me the most was that she's not much of a barker....compared to the typical mini-schnauzer that is! She barks enough for me.
But like any dog, she loves her family. Nothing is more therapeutic than coming home to a wagging butt(they have very little tail), even if it's just from a trip to the mailbox! As her body is winding down(she can't hear out of one ear, she has fatty cysts all over her body and she's slightly arthritic) the unconditional love she gives just seems to grow and grow. It will be a sad day when we have to say good-bye to our beloved pet. Hopefully that won't happen for a few more years.
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