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TOPS 2002 Arizona Queen
Note: My genealogy
page has moved to /crinion_clan/index.htm
Success can be defined in many different ways: pounds
lost, inches reduced, control gained.
Success Story: Charlene Filipiak
Before: 226 lbs After:
146 lbs Pounds
Lost: 80
As many of you, I have tried to
diet on and off for many years. I always felt I was the heaviest
one of my 5 sisters and of my friends. Of course when I became
married and started to have children, I never lost all the weight
I gained during my pregnancies. Each time I bought a larger size
in clothing, I felt more a failure. It wasn't until 1999 when
I was clothes shopping with my mother and realized that again
I had to move up to another size, I was already a 2X or size 26.
I told myself, I needed to really get to business and lose this
weight. I had noticed the TOPS meeting announcements in the local
paper but I was too afraid to go. But in early 2000, I meet a
Mother of one of my daughter's friends who told me she belong
to TOPS and she had lost over 40lbs. She even belongs to the chapter
that I have been seeing in the paper. I told her I was going to
the next meeting. She explained what to expect and I showed up
with money in hand and determined to lose my excess weight. The
first chapter I joined was
TOPS # AZ127, Lake Havasu City. Everyone
was very friendly and welcomed me to their group. I quietly sat
at those early meetings, soaking in all the friendship everyone
had for each other. I started with small goals or baby steps,
the first week I concentrated on drinking the minimum of 8 glasses
of water and to stop eating the mini-candy bars that my co-worker
filled her candy dish with. I came back with a lost. The second
week, I did the same and started walking three times a week. I
came back with a gain. My KOPS friend told me, "Don't worry,
you started walking and muscle weighs more than fat, just keep
doing the same thing this week and I will guarantee that you will
come back with a lost." She was correct, because I came back
the next 16 consecutive weeks with loses. Needless to say, I couldn't
quietly sit at those meetings, everyone was so proud of me. I
slowly added portion control then started reducing my calorie
intake. I would go swimming several times a week at my parents
when it became too hot to walk. The pounds seem to melt off of
me. That first year, I lost 52 of the 80 pounds I needed to lose
to reach my goal. I took a job at another town and attending the
meetings in Lake Havasu City became more and more difficult. My
weight loss slowed down and I knew I needed to attend meetings
for the support to keep me focus on my task. I sadly left that
chapter and joined TOPS #AZ372, Kingman. But, again everyone was
very friendly and welcomed me to their group. They thought I already
was a KOPS and I assured them that I wish I was, but my goal was
far away. I struggled the next year. I still was losing but not
as fast as I had wished. While attending SRD 2002 in the Pho
enix area, I told myself, this
year I am going to reach my goal, and that next year I was going
to be a graduate and be up on stage like all those people. I came
back from SRD with new conviction. I donated $1.00 each week into
our SRD jar to show my commitment to my weight lost goal. The
week before Thanksgiving, I finally achieved my goal. I was on
cloud nine. I still struggle even though I have become a KOPS.
It is difficult to stay within leeway. I still have to make the
tough choices and turn down some of my favorites when I know I
am wandering towards the top of my box. But it is all worth it
when I received the call that I was going to be Crowned TOPS 2002
Arizona's State Queen. I have made a promise to myself, that I
will not let myself be fat again. I have my "fat" pictures
that remind me of the person I don't want to be again. I like
the new me, the person that can keep up with my five year old
daughter and who will be around to watch her graduate high school.
And remember, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels".
TOPS® is an international
family of all ages, sizes,and shapes from all walks of life. Dedicated
to helping each other Take Off and Keep Off Pounds Sensibly. Offering
a healthy, caring and supportive approach to weight control, at
an affordable price, has been our goal since 1948. TOPS®
offers fellowship while you change to a healthier, new lifestyle
and learn to maintain it.
created October 13, 2003
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