Joel Elijah Sanders and Ada Deshong Sanders (second wife)
- Elijah Lee Sanders

- E.L. and Daughters- Willie-Della-Clara Mae-E.L.-Annie, 1958 May 31

- Virginia Belle Wren Sanders and daughter Annie Sanders

- A.B. Sanders and son
Elizabeth ? Sanders second wife of E.L.Sanders
- A.B.Sanders wife and daughters
Clovis Sanders
Della Sanders daughter of E.L.
Clara Sanders Haney
Douglas Mackey and family
Ella Mae and Billy Joe Mackey
Walter and Trent Mackey
Della Sanders Mackey and Willie
Ella Mae,Bill, and Dottie

- Joel Jonathan Sanders Daughter

Kay Harper
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Page created 12 September 1999. Last updated 12 September 1999 at 12:08 PM.
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