- The Bandy family the lady seated on the right is Agnes Garland Fore Mother of Sarah Lavada Fore Bandy and Patience Fore Newcomb

- Patience Fore Newcomb and David C. Newcomb

- Jasper Newcomb and Georgie Newcomb Davis

- Betty Buchanan Newcomb and Jasper Newcomb

Richard Rodgers and Virgie (Birdie) Buchanan Rodgers
Eston Buchanan
Levi and Dovie Newcomb
Rufus Buchanan

- Millie Newcomb Watkins

- Pearl Newcomb Elliott and ? Elliott

- Earl Newcomb

- Jewel Newcomb Howie and W.C.Howie
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Haney pictures

Kay Harper
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Copyright © 1999 Kay Harper.
Page created 8 September 1999. Last updated 8 September 1999 at 9:48 PM.
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