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Zacharius Arnold
Robert Beville
Thomas Black
Martin Bowling
John Cason
John Coggin, III
Henry Crosswhite
Nicholas Dale
Curlin Dillard
John Dodson
James Marion Douglas
William Colatness Flynn
John Galloway
David D. "LongDavid" Gentry
William Glascock
Abraham Goad
William Goss
William Marion Green
Rev. John Gregorie
Thomas Hanks
James Isaac Henderson
William Joseph Hood
Moses Simpson Hutchinson
Nicholas Jenkins
Griffith John
Andrew LaPrade
Moses Moore
Thomas Prewit
James Screws
Hugh Skrimshire
Thomas Southern
Thomas Marion Stegall
M. Jasper Taylor
Jefferson Davis "Jeff" Tutor
William Warren
John Winter
Paul Woodbridge

Your Name
You got it from your father,
it was all he had to give.
It's yours to keep and cherish
for as long as you shall live.
It was clean the day he got it,
and a worthy name to bear.
When he got it from his father,
there was no dishonor there.
So protect and guard it safely,
for when all is said and done,
You'll be proud the name is spotless
when you give it to your son.

-author unknown

Come, look with me inside this drawer,
In this box I've often seen,
At the pictures, black and white,
Faces proud, still, and serene.

I wish I knew the people,
These strangers in the box,
Their names and all their memories,
Are lost among my socks.

I wonder what their lives were like.
How did they spend their days?
What about their special times?
I'll never know their ways.

If only someone had taken time
To tell who, what, where, when,
These faces of my heritage,
Would come to life again.

Could this become the fate
Of the pictures we take today?
The faces and the memories
Someday to be tossed away?

Make time to save your pictures,
Seize the opportunity when it knocks,
Or someday you and yours could be
The strangers in the box.

© 1997 by Pamela A. Harazim


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