Welcome to Our Garden

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We began by building a 6 foot privacy fence around most of our small back yard, using a storage barn and garage as natural extensions of the fence. Next, my husband built the stone patio, by using a concrete mold in the shape of cobblestone. We were hesitant at first, but have been very pleased with the results. We put in five small perennial beds in the back yard in the fall of 1996. Out of 40 or 50 perennials planted, all but one returned this spring. This year, thrilled with our success, we began enlarging the beds, combining a few, and adding more, including three beds in the sun-filled front yard.

Our most recent additions have been a fish pond (lot harder than I thought....there's lot's to learn, but fun) and two walkways, still under construction. I hope you enjoy the pictures. We certainly enjoy our garden, weeds and all.

Older pictures of our garden may be seen here.      Newer pics of our garden may be seen here.      If you'd like, please email me.

Fish pond installed July 5, 1997
Herman, the guard frog

New garden walkways put in July 4, l997
Not yet finished.

Trellis and fence will be home of newly
planted moon flowers.

Birthday gift from my husband

This stand has pots of herbs which I will transplant to the ground in the fall.

This began as a small herb garden, now is
a combination of perennials, herbs, and annuals.
Most of the plants in this area are perennial sedums.
Color is provided by annual begonias and impatiens,
highlighted by alysum and lobelia.

This gate leads to a work area which includes storage and our compost pile. Hopefully, a future potting bench and greenhouse will also reside there.

This hosta is only 1 year old.
Must be great dirt!

A garage sale find, repainted,
makes an excellent plant stand,
and hides an unsightly gas meter.

This lily and the one below are the Mary Todd Lily.
The plant is beautiful.
This is the first year for this garden
A variety of perennials were planted to
attract butterflies. It's a full sun garden.
Plants include:
White and Pink Cone Flower, Bee Balm, Lavender,
Purple Fountain Grass, Obediant Plant,
Stella d'Oro lilies, Irish Moss, Tansy, Penstemon,
Veronica, Salvia "May Night", Pennyroyal,
Snow in Summer, Flowering Almond,
Chamomile, Mary Todd Lily, Buddleia,
Monks Hood, Garlic Chives, Shasta Daisy,
Creeping Phlox, Various Thymes, Burning Bush, Hollyhocks and more.