"'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
'To talk of many things:
Of shoes - and ships - and sealing wax -
Of cabbages - and kings -
And why the sea is burning hot -
And whether pigs have wings.'"
-Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland
"Pa looked up from the mice to the ground, up at his arms, and back
to the mice again. A pink glow spread over his bald patch as the idea slowly
grew. Now he knew what the surprise would be.
'But... but pigs can't. Pigs don't...' he said.
'But pigs might!' chorused the excited mice.
-Liz Underhill
Pigs Might Fly
The pig is bigger
Than we had thought
And not so pink,
Fringed with white
Hairs that look
Gray, because while
They say a pig is clean,
It is not always; still,
We like this cheerful,
Rich, soft-bellied beast -
It wants to be comfortable,
And does not care much
How the thing is managed.
-Valerie Worth
"Pigs are very beautiful animals...There is no point of view from which a really corpulent pig is not full of sumptuous and satisfying curves."
-G.K. Chesterton
The Uses of Diversity
"'Some pig!' muttered Lurvy in a low voice.
'Some pig!' whispered Mr. Zuckerman.
They stared and stared for a long time at Wilbur. Then they stared
at Charlotte."
-E.B. White
Charlotte's Web
"The sunny slow lulling afternoon yawns and moons through the dozy town...Pigs grunt in a wet wallow-bath, and smile as they snort and dream. They dream of the acorned swill of the world, the rooting for pig-fruit..."
-Dylan Thomas
Under Milk Wood
This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy had roast beef.
This little piggy had none.
This little piggy went "Wee wee wee!" all the way home.
"Little pig Robinson was a charming little fellow; pinky white with
small blue eyes, fat cheeks and a double chin, and a turned-up nose, with
a real silver ring in it. Robinson could see that ring if he shut one eye
and squinted sideways."
-Beatrix Potter
The Tale of Little Pig Robinson
"Pigs is Pigs."
-Ellis Parker Butler
"Kissy Kissy!"
-Miss Piggy
"Then Megan yelled, 'HEY YOU DUMB PIGS!'
Thee pigs jumped up and ran right over Megan,
and out the gate."
-Robert Munsch
Whose little pigs are these, these, these?
Whose little pigs are these?
They are Roger the Cook's,
I know by their looks;
I found them among my peas.
Cute pink curly tails
On small plump pink pigs
Twist into tight springs.
-Allison Tremblay
"Though he love not to buy the pig in a poke."
-John Heywood
"Beside, 'tis known he could speak Greek
As naturally as pigs squeak."
-Samuel Butler
"'Little pig, little pig, let me come in!'
'Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!'"
The Three Little Pigs
"'What are you?'
'Ewe' said the sheep.
'No, not me, you - what are you?'
'I'm a ewe.'
Mum was right, thought Babe, they certainly are stupid. But if I'm
going to learn how to be a sheep-pig I must try to understand them, and
this could be a good chance. Perhaps I could make a friend of this one.
'My name's Babe,' he said in a jolly voice. 'What's yours?'"
-Dick King-Smith
The Sheep Pig (Babe)
"By and by Piglet woke up. As soon as he woke he said to himself, 'Oh!'
Then he said bravely, 'Yes,' and then, still more bravely, 'Quite so.'
But he didn't feel very brave, for the word which was really jiggeting
about in his brain was
What was a Heffalump like?
Was it Fierce?
Did it come when you whistled? And how did it come?
Was it Fond of Pigs at all?
If it was Fond of Pigs, did it make any difference
What sort of Pig?
-A. A. Milne
The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
"'Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?' Said the Piggy, 'I will.'"
-Edward Lear
The Owl and the Pussycat
"A pretty pig makes an ugly old sow."
"Feed a pig and you'll have a hog."
"Give to a pig when it grunts and a child when it cries, and you'll
have a fine pig and a bad child."
We Only Oink for People
We only oink for people
It's not our native tongue
When they're around
We make this sound
To make believe we're dumb.
We never talk to strangers
Who don't know we are free
And hide our pedigree!
For we were born for freedom
Across the golden strand
We never talk
Where people walk
And make us into ham.
We never talk to strangers Who don't know we are free We say
And hide our pedigree!
-Monard G. Sanford
"The first pig, but the last whelp of a litter, is best."
"Weke, weke! so cries a pig prepared to the spit."
-William Shakespeare
"Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike.
No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures
outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man
again; but it was already impossible to say which was which."
-George Orwell
Animal Farm
"Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
'Pooh!' he whispered.
'Yes, Piglet?'
'Nothing,' said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. 'I just wanted to be sure
of you.'"
-A.A. Milne
Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
The Company he Chooses
'Twas an evening in November,
As I very well remember,
I was strolling down the street in drunken pride,
But my knees were all a'flutter
So I landed in the gutter,
And a pig came up and lay down by my side.
Yes I lay there in the gutter
Thinking thoughts I could not utter,
When a colleen passing by did softly say,
'Ye can tell a man that boozes
By the company he chooses' -
At that, the pig got up and
Walked away.
How To Be What A Pig Ought To Be
How to be what a Pig ought to be
Is not easy for young Pigs like me.
Human beings I'm told
Talk of Pigs bought and sold
Never thinking that a Piggy should be free!
If it's Lions or a Kangaroo you meet,
If it's Dolphins or a Whale without feet,
They're protected you see
They're not Piggies like me
Who end up in a package of meat!
How to be what a Pig ought to be
Is not easy for young Pigs like me.
Human beings don't care
If we live with a scare
Never dreaming that a Piggy should be free!
-Monard G. Sanford
"If you would High Potential be
Consider this and say with me
To thine own self be true and
Thou canst not then
Be false to any Swine!"
-Monard G. Sanford
"But most of all
the small pig likes to sit down
and sink down
in good, soft mud."
-Arnold Lobel
Small Pig