Alder, C.S. Good-bye Pink Pig.
Alder, C.S. Help, Pink Pig!
Andrews, Allen. The Pig Plantagenet. Illustrated by Michael Foreman.
Arrighi, Mel. Daddy Pig.
Battaglia, Aurelius. Three Little Pigs.
Bawden, Nina. The Peppermint Pig.
Beard, Henry. Miss Piggy’s Guide to Life.
Bonsall, Crosby. Piggle.
Carris, Joan. Just a Little Ham.
Carlson, Nancy. Louanne Pig in Witch Lady.
Clesi, Teresa. The Fourth Little Pig.
Delacre, Lulu. A.B.C. Rhymes.
Dubanevich, Arlene. Pigs in Hiding.
Dunn, John. The Little Pig. Illustrated by Phoebe Dunn.
Goodall, John S. Paddy Pork Odd Jobs.
Goodall, John S. Paddy Pork to the Rescue.
Goodall, John S. Paddy Pork's Holiday.
Goodall, John S. Paddy’s Evening Out.
Hoban, Russell. The Marzipan Pig.
Hobbie, Holly. Toot and Puddle.
Howe, James. A Love Note For Baby Piggy. Illustrated by Kathy Spahr.
Inkpen, Mick. Wibbly Pig Likes Bananas.
Inkpen, Mick. Wibbly Pig Opens His Present.
Kasza, Keiko. The Pigs’ Picnic.
Keating, Barry. Baby Piggy’s Mermaid Tale. Illustrated by Kathy Spahr.
Keller, Holly. Geraldine's Big Snow.
Keller, Holly. Geraldine’s Blanket.
King-Smith, Dick. Ace: The Very Important Pig.
King-Smith, Dick. Babe-The Gallant Pig.
King-Smith, Dick. Pigs are Beautiful.
King-Smith, Dick. Saddlebottom.
Laird, Donivee Martin. The Three Little Hawaiian Pigs and the Magic Shark. Illustrated by Carol Jossem.
Lantz, Francess. Mom, There’s a Pig In My Bed.
Lobel, Arnold. A Treeful of Pigs. Illustrated by Anita Lobel.
Lobel, Arnold. Small Pig.
Marshall, James. The Three Little Pigs.
Mason, Miriam E. Herman the Brave Pig. Illustrated by George & Doris Hauman
McPhail, David. Pig Pig Goes to Camp.
Milne, A.A. Piglet Meets a Heffalump. Illustrated by Ernest Shepard.
Munsch, Robert. Pigs. Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
Nathan, Stella. Porky Pig and Bugs Bunny Just Like Magic. Illustrated by Tom McKimson and Bob Totten.
Nissenson, Marilyn and Jonas, Susan. The Ubiquitous Pig.
Orwell, George. Animal Farm.
Peet, Bill. Chester the Worldy Pig.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Little Pig Robinson.
Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Pigling Bland.
Rayner, Mary. Mr and Mrs. Pig's Evening Out.
Rodda, Emily. The Pigs are Flying. Illustrated by Noela Young.
Rodgers, Frank. Can Piggles Do It?
Rogak, Lisa Angowski and Blackert, Virginia R. Latin for Pigs.
Rosenberg, Amye. Lily Pig’s Book of Colors.
Rylant, Cynthia. Poppleton and Friends.
Sanford, Monard G. Free Pigs. Illustrated by Janice Skivington
Saul, Carol P. Peter’s Song. Illustrated by Diane de Groat.
Saunders, Susan. The Daring Rescue of Marlon the Swimming Pig. Illustrated by Gail Owens.
Scarry, Richard. Pig Will/Pig Won’t.
Storey, Pamela. Three Little Pigs Pop Up Picture Story.
Underhill, Liz. Pigs Might Fly.
Van Leeuwen, Jean. Amanda Pig and Her Big Brother Oliver. Illustrated by Ann Schweinger.
Van Leeuwen, Jean. More Tales of Oliver Pig. Illustrated by Arnold Lobel.
Van Leeuwen, Jean. Tales of Amanda Pig. Illustrated by Ann Schweinger.
White, E.B. Charlotte’s Web.
Wolf, A. (Jon Scieszka) The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Illustrated by Lane Smith.
Yole, Jane. Picnic by Piggums. Illustrated by Jane Dyer.
Pig’s Book of Tall and Small. Tormont Publications Inc.
Pooh and Piglet’s Book of Big and Little. A Golden Book.
Porky Pig Sticker Fun. Warner Bros. Inc.
The Three Little Pigs. A Golden Book.
Most, if not all, of these books, along with many others, can be found on
Know of a pig book that's missing? E-mail me!