My name is Allison. I live in BC, Canada. Besides collecting pigs, I like to read, watch movies, listen to music, sing, wander the Internet, and I belong to the SCA.
What else can I say here? I'm 18, from Vancouver, Canada.
Here's a picture of me and my friend Andrea. I'm on the right. And
it was taken in the mall, with weird lighting in a photo booth type thing,
so I don't REALLY look much like that, but whatever. And Andrea is NOT
Since this is my place to elaborate on all the stuff I love, I will. :P Don't mind me.
First, go look at my bootleg page! http://www.geocities.com/taking_me_away/
Pigs are what this page is all about. They're cute, intelligent
animals that I think are really neat. I have a ton of pigs all over my
room. Oink! :@)
I also like to read books. I read all sorts of different genres.
I usually go to a library, read random book backs until I find something
interesting, then read everything I can find by that author. Lately I've
been reading historical fiction. I also like to read fantasy. I also love
quotes and poetry. If you want to suggest a good book, I'd LOVE to hear
from you!
My Favourite Quotes Page
I'm actually a huge movie freak...that's why I go see a movie almost
every Tuesday. My goal is to see all the movies nominated at the Oscars
for best picture. Then I can actually vote knowing what I'm talking about...
Allison's Favourite Movies: American Beauty, The Princess Bride, The
Last Unicorn, Labyrinth, Legend, Braveheart, Primal Fear, Seven, Sleeping
Beauty and the Monty Python films.
I always am listening to music. My favourite band is Tea Party.
Others in my cd player are Moist, A Perfect Circle, Godsmack and Matchbox
Twenty. For happy music I play David Bowie, Queen and other random 80's
music. I also like Celtic music and stuff: Loreena McKennitt and Great
Big Sea. And of course, some good quality Techno.
Tea Party Link
Loreena McKennitt
Medievia is an interactive game on the Internet. I don't really
play much anymore, but I used to always be on, and it's a great way to
waste your Internet time. It is usually described as a MUD (multi-user
domain), but Medievia is so much bigger than most MUDs that it really isn't
a MUD anymore. It's a great text-based game that is one of the biggest
on the Net. There are about 300 people on at any given time. My character
on the game is named Niresk. If I am ever on, link me if you want : )
Medievia's Home Page
The SCA is the Society for Creative Anachronism. It is a bunch
of people that get togther on weekends and nights to study and reenact
the Middle Ages. It's a lot of fun. You get to dress up and talk funny
and even make up a persona that you take on during events. A big part of
the Society also involves completely safe, completely real fighting, where
grown people get to bash each other with sticks without fear of getting
killed. I don't fight, but it's great fun to watch. My Persona in the SCA
is named Morwenna verch Cedwyn, a 13th century Welsh minor noble lady.
The SCA Home Page
A SCA Teens Page
Another SCA Teens Site
SCAT_Music list
This is a mailing list for teens interested in the SCA and music, or
early music in general. For subscription information e-mail me at niresk@hotmail.com
or visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/scat_music/join.
I love to drink Jones Soda...they all have really great taste and it's a really cool site. http://www.jonessoda.com
Here's my favourite search engines:
Yahoo Canada
Ask Jeeves
Webring searches
The List of Lists (Mailing lists)