![]() | Alabama Network for Animals Guestbook |
Sherry - 11/16/00 02:38:34
My URL:http://www.animalsmatter.homestead.com
My Email:she5@homestead.com
Dog's Name(s): Chong & Little Joe
Cat's Name(s): Lizzy & MeMe
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
It sounds like your group does a lot of good work.
I have recently created a website to raise money for animal welfare organizations around the world.
I am always looking for visitors to my site to help raise money by using search engines, clicking banners, shopping online etc.
I am also always looking for organizations to sign up th receive a portion of the donationd money raised.
Please visit my site and see if this service might be of interest to your organization.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Tereva Martin - 11/02/00 04:07:01
My URL:http://www.farmerstel.com
My Email:terevajo@hotmail.com
Dog's Name(s): Precious
Cat's Name(s): Jasmine
Other Type Pet & Name: none
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: many
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: teacher
thank you for being there for God's creatures!
Sara Cullum - 10/23/00 01:48:20
My URL:http://www.equifind.com/userpages/Rescue.html
My Email:magicking1@alaweb.com
Dog's Name(s): Resse,Prissie,&Zeus
Cat's Name(s): Babe,Snuggles,Smokey,Ebony,Misty,Midnight,Boots,&Tiny Tot
Other Type Pet & Name: Peep,Sassy,Magic King,Liberty,Ms. Tori,Blue Boy,&Red Boy
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: no
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: yes
Hello,from Andalusia,AL.,I am the owner & operator of a equine rescue farm(you know horses,ect..)I am writing to let you know if you ever get one in and don`t have room,I will take him or her and put under my Life Care program until I can find a very good
home for him or her.Not many people know Alabama has a equine rescue farm,you can help us out by letting people know about Magic King & Friends Rescue Farm.I will let people know about you also,in return.Keep up the good work,From A True Animal Lover Sar
Gayle Lanter - 09/14/00 14:48:55
My Email:http://gayle.lanter@msfc.nasa.gov
Cat's Name(s): Skeeter, Mu and Friendly
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: absolutely
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes, many,many and many more
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
Rachel Tears - 08/28/00 17:38:43
My Email:rstears6@aol.com
Dog's Name(s): Ben, Ted, Ms.Pretty, Jake, Hannah, and Molly
Cat's Name(s): Mitch
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: Yes - all of them
Have you ever rescued an animal?: Yes - all of them
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: Yes - vegetarian
maggie kozee - 08/01/00 18:51:27
My Email:mkozee@scottsboro.org
Dog's Name(s): jake &wolfie
Cat's Name(s): prissy & sadie
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: will be when old enough
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
Molly - 07/30/00 20:05:57
My URL:http://expage.com/sunnyspringsfarm
My Email:Pmcobb@knology.net
Cat's Name(s): Ringo,Masey,Sam,Tigger,Brent
Other Type Pet & Name: Fish Red
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: Yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: Yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: No
Susan Owen - 05/16/00 12:17:57
My Email:susanowen30@hotmail.com
Dog's Name(s): none
Cat's Name(s): Sylvester, Smoky, Count, Morticia, Pumpkin, Shadow, Drifter
Other Type Pet & Name: none
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: Absolutely
Have you ever rescued an animal?: Many
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: Yes
E-mail me! I miss you.
Karen - 02/22/00 00:59:23
Cat's Name(s): Sachal Page
Other Type Pet & Name: 2 Ferrets, PJ and Little Bit
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: of course
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
Have you ever thought about adding exotic pets?
People tend to impulsively buy them and then not
want them when they are grown. Consider ferrets, iguanas, snakes, etc. They need a place to go too.
jeannie lee - 02/17/00 22:53:28
Dog's Name(s): have 28
Cat's Name(s): have 4
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes 24
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
Jessica Naramore - 02/16/00 00:51:40
My Email:beamer@linkfast.net
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
We are currently opening an animal rescue in Cullman County.
John Hooker - 01/20/00 22:13:34
My Email:ange2@peop.tds.net
Dog's Name(s): Precious
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
we need a animal rescue (animal shelter) in Cherokee County, AL
People are constantly putting dogs and cats out in our area and they're running wild.
There is no help from the county.
Thanks for listening.
Justin E. Crowder - 01/13/00 14:24:42
My Email:progressiveeducation@hotmail.com
Cat's Name(s): Pandora
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: not yet, kitten
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
I'm the President of Progressive Education, Inc. We are currently trying to find other means of education for our children outside of school. Due to the problems occuring in Alabama's education system, we feel this is extremely important and can not dev
lop without the help of the parents and the communities.
Please send an e-mail to the above address.
Thank you,
Justin E. Crowder
Progressive Education, Inc.
bonnie sullivan - 12/01/99 16:08:34
My Email:bon-bon candy @ hotmail.com
Dog's Name(s): tasha
Cat's Name(s): dancer
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: yes
bonnie sullivan - 12/01/99 16:06:36
My Email:tasha
Dog's Name(s): dancer
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: yes
Debbie - 10/23/99 00:59:45
My URL:http://pets.com
My Email:Debz516@aol.com
Dog's Name(s): Purdy
Cat's Name(s): Roper
Other Type Pet & Name: Chewy
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes & no
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
Michele Vlasic - 09/03/99 17:10:34
My Email:picklev@earthling.net
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: Yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: Yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: No
Hi,just exploring some avenues of adoption for several cats that my Mom who lives in Orange Beach, Al has to unfortunately give up. She has a ferret, parrot, sheltie and nine cats! That is not counting the wild foxes and various wild cats that feed at h
r front door with food left out for them. Several of the cats are from a female that she rescued that was pregnant. They are all spayed and the one male is neutered. She can no longer keep them and is also trying to sell her home and move out of state
o we are trying to find good homes for them. If anyone out there has any suggestions on where we should start in our search please help us. She does not want to give them to the shelter as they are a year old and feels that most people prefer kittens.
ny advice would help.
Thank you.
pamela cazalas - 05/15/99 14:33:21
My Email:pam087@hotmail.com
Dog's Name(s): scrumpy/chi-chi/jonathon
Cat's Name(s): puff
Other Type Pet & Name: birds=fletcher&lucy..pigs=hamlet&oliver
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: not compleely..only eat seafood&poultry
I reside in mobile,al..i have a large (acre) fenced yard..can foster animals in my area until they can be adopted..contact me by e-mail..or phone (334)973-1775..thanks..pam....I already donations to Peta..aspca..& humane society of us..would rather give m
donations in my area..contact me for address...
Leisa helms - 03/17/99 15:10:39
My Email:leisafromal@webtv.net
Dog's Name(s): Toby and Sawyer
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: no
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
A dog is the best friend in the world. They don't care how you look, they don't judge you, and they give unconditional love even when you have a bad day.
Victoria Nichols - 11/14/98 04:48:10
My Email:diamsoul@aol.com
Dog's Name(s): Molley & Dundee
Cat's Name(s): "Fearless" & Sam
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: yes!
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: exploring the transition
Diane, the site continues to look great !
10/02/98 11:34:18
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Mary Britton - 04/29/98 21:14:26
My Email:britt@surfcafe.com
Cat's Name(s): Bootles, Pretty, Hugaboo, Doodle Bug "Doolie"
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: Absolutely!
Have you ever rescued an animal?: For 25 Years!
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: Absolutely!
A bumper-sticker slogan "Friends of Pets" is putting out in Anchorage Alaska:
"Friends don't let friends LITTER!"
Spay & Neuter your pets.
Picture of Cat & Dog & Heart in between them.
Donna - 04/29/98 05:46:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/1earth4us/
My Email:mydigs@icu2.net
Cat's Name(s): Rafter, Shadow, Twigs
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: Declawed and spayed
Have you ever rescued an animal?: Yes - all 3 of my cats and other animals in the past.
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: Mostly - I'm trying to be!
Your site is beautiful. Wish I could help you with the dogs - I'm glad they are all right. My three ladies are strictly kept indoors and safe from harm and disease. I have had several dogs and love them very much - most were rescued and managed to find
me. My three cats were also all rescued. Best of luck to you - you have done a wonderful job with your site!
Lee & Matthew Harris - 03/14/98 05:57:59
My Email:rghjr@earthlink.net
Dog's Name(s): Sandy Dandy, Nipper Irene & Pups Boy Harris
Cat's Name(s): Julie Louise Amp Dudette Harris
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: Yes
Have you ever rescued an animal?: Yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: Who wants to know ???
A very nice HP. I wish I could take all of the dogs for adoption ! They are very sweet !
Keep up the great work !
Eskie Charmin & mom - 03/10/98 14:39:38
My URL:http://www.cybrtyme.com/personal/dvillage/
My Email:bethel@cybrtyme.com
Dog's Name(s): Charmin, Mickey, Sophie
Are your cats/dogs'speutered'?: Sure!
Have you ever rescued an animal?: yes
Are you vegetarian/vegan?: no
Hi, ANA! Eskies Charmin & Sophie and Most-Blessed-Heinz Mickey say Keep Up The Good Work!