Alabama Network for Animals
"Home is a Good Place to be"   Can you help us find our new home?


2/98 BANDIT:  5y Male Shepherd/Chow X, neutered
Good News! I've been adopted!!!

2/98 KASEY:  3y Male, Lab mix, neutered. Sweet, friendly disposition
Good News! I've been adopted!!!

2/98 BRODY:  2y Male, Shepherd mix, neutered. Very loving and gentle nature.
Good News! I've been adopted!!!

A Prayer For Animals

Hear our humble prayer, Oh God, for our friends the animals, especially for ones who are suffering; for any that are lost or deserted or frightened or hungry. We entreat for them all thy mercy and pity. For those who deal with them, we ask a heart of compassion, gentle hands and kindly words. Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to animals and to show thy blessings to the merciful.


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