Logan's 1st Year
Click on a picture to see it enlarged.
Hours Old
Less than
1 day old
Our Pea Pod
7 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
With his
1st Turkey
Snuggling with
St. Pete's
13 Weeks
4 Months
With Nana & Papa
4 1/2 Months
Hippie Baby
6 Months
Early Feedings
6 Months
First Easter
6 Months
Happy boy
7 1/2 Months
With Pooh
7 1/2 Months
Who's in there?
8 Months
Favorite ducky
8 Months
Pouty baby
8 Months
Skylar's Toys
9 Months
Matching Daddy
9 Months
Brings Grandpop
to his Knees
All Smiles
10 Months
Logan's First
Steps Aboard
The Pierre Chauvin
Logan & Dale
Along The
Saunganoy River
Up There!
Logan with his
Cousin Ryan
12 Months
Please come back soon and visit us.
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