Jen's Homepage

Hey everyone! My name is Jen and this is my homepage! Umm, well I don't really know what else to say, but, if you look down below you can find out some stuff about me!

Well, first of all, I'm into pretty well all sports with the exception of tennis, I love music and hanging out with my friends. (I have the coolest friends in the world! J) I also love guys, now, Prince William is definitly THE coolest and cutest guy in the world. He has a smile that could make any girl melt, so eat your hearts out Leo luvers! And 'N SYNC's J.C is pretty hot too! And last but definitly not least, Joshua Jackson. WOAH! This hunk is a major hottie! I also have a soft spot for animals. I absolutely love horses. I own an Arabian gelding named Dyllion, and he is such a sook! I have a hamster named Gavin after the lead singer of, " Bush". And now I'd like to tell you about my friends. I hang out with a certain group of people. There are approximately 8 or 9 of us-
Angela - One of the first people to meet when I went to jr. high.
Kristin-I met her about one year after I started jr. high.
Candice- I sat next to Candice in social, and we started talking and became friends.
Meaghan - I met my first year of jr. high after I became friends with Ang.
Ryan - And yes, she is a girl. I think that is a really cool name for a girl, you go girl! J
Vanessa- Well, Nessa was friends with Ryan and Ang. So we pretty much automatically became friends.
Danielle - Danielle lives next to Candice so she was just part of the "group" and we became friends.
Sarah - I met her my very first day of jr. high, she is such a sweetheart, I don't think I have ever had one bad thing to say about her!
Becca - This girl is such a character, she always makes me laugh, even on the worst of days.

This is a pic of Angela and Candice. (Candice is the blonde and Angela is the girl behind her J) And the girl on the top is Danielle!

I also have friends who aren't part of the group too! Well, I really can't list them all, but you guys know who ya are!


I love this pic. He looks so hot here. My friend Rachel Huges and I absolutely love him. (Alot!) He has the most perfect face in the world. And his body…. WOAH! But like I said before, he has a smile that could make any girl just totally melt!

I like him so much that I even glued his face to a pic of me and a few of my friends. And since my friend Candice loves Taylor Hanson I put a pic of him there too! J
I know HANSON RAWKS! I think that Hanson is a very talented group of singers, and I have to admit that Taylor is pretty hot…. But don't worry Candice he's ALL yours!

This is Gabi Senn. My favorite riding instructor in the world. She is from Switzerland and coaches me in English equitation, and jumping. She is the biggest sweetheart I've ever met in my life (Besides Sarah of course).J

This is a member of one of my favorite bands (I also like alternative music) 'N SYNC! J.C is the cutest member of the band, and in my opinion the best signer. He is one of the cutest guys I've ever seen! J
Well, this is the end of my home page, if you have any questions Please email me!
I luv y'all!
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