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Written by Diane Schlichting Copyright November 8, 1997
It was late November, few leaves remained on the trees, but it was a beautifully mild day. Not needing to be at the clinic until the afternoon, Michaela decided to take advantage of the nice weather and do the laundry. With Colleen still away at school, Matthew off at work, Brian in school, Michaela enjoyed the morning alone with her daughter. Katie had been helping her mother wash the clothes by carrying over the dirty laundry to the washtub in the yard. Now, finished with the washing, Michaela stood by the line, hanging the clothes up to dry. Katie played with a stick in the dirt, drawing pictures. Michaela grabbed up a shirt of Brian's and reached into her pocket for a laundry pin. Realizing her pocket was empty, she looked over to the basket where she had left all the pins. "Katie, bring Mama a pin, sweetheart." Katie looked up at her mother and dropped the stick. She walked over to her and grabbed at the pin Michaela held out to her. She laughed, causing her mother to smile. "There, Katie," Michaela said, pointing to the basket. Katie looked in that direction, saw the bag of pins and took off for them. She grabbed them up and ran back to her mother, smiling proudly. Michaela laughed, caught her daughter up in her arms and hugged her. "That's my girl. You're such a big help." She kissed her soft, rounded cheek and took the bag of pins from her little hands, giving her back one pin to play with. "You play with that while Mama finishes up here. Then, Miss Katie, it'll be time for a bath!" she laughed as Katie sat down in the dirt and played with the pin. Michaela turned back to the laundry, hanging up the shirts and petticoats. She reached for the last article of clothes and reached up to the line. In the next instant she was pitching forward from a strong shove. She hit the ground with a surprised cry and heard Katie wail. Fear raced through her belly as she turned over, scrambling to her feet. A young Indian brave had grabbed up Katie and was now running toward his horse that had appeared with several of his friends around the side of the house. "No!" Michaela screamed, getting to her feet. Katie! Oh, God, no! Not Katie! She ran toward the renegades, but was brought up short when the leader raised his rifle and shot at her. She shrieked in surprise as the ground exploded at her feet, dirt flying everywhere. The Indian with Katie held tightly in his arms leaped up onto his horse. "No!" she yelled, tears of fear and frustration running over her cheeks unnoticed. She made to run after them again, but was once more held in check by the explosion of gun fire. "Please, come back! Give her back!" The renegades turned their mounts and, with a shrill cry, galloped off down the road. Once the gun was no longer trained on her, Michaela gave chase. Propelled as she was by fear and desperation, she was unable to keep pace with the galloping horses. "Stop! Please, stop! Katie! Katie!" She screamed in anguish as the Indians rounded the bend and rode out of sight, a trail of dust the only sign that they had been there at all. She fell to her knees in the road, sobbing and calling out her daughter's name. It was several moments before she regained control. Wiping away the tears, she rose and ran back to the house and to the path behind it that would lead to the cave where Sully remained in hiding. She was breathing hard, gasping for breath when she reached the clearing. She ran into the cave, calling Sully's name. It was empty. She felt her moment of hope vanish as she realized that Sully wasn't there and that she had no way to find him. With renewed sobs, she slid down the wall of the cave and drew her knees up to her chest. She laid her head down and cried, feeling an aching sense of loss and despair. A hand on her shoulder pulled her from the depths of sleep. She bolted upright with a cry, fearing that the renegades had followed her, but it was Sully. Crying out his name she reached for him, holding him tightly and feeling the tears come anew. "Michaela? What's wrong? What's happened? Where are the children?" Sully held his wife, stroking her back soothingly as she cried, feeling the anxiety and tension begin to ease from her while it built within himself. Michaela pulled back, wiping away her tears. "The renegades, Sully. They came to the homestead. They took Katie." She paled at the shocked look that crossed his face. "I tried to stop them. They shot at me. They rode off with her and I couldn't stop them." Her voice rose as she felt again the panic that had overtaken her in the dooryard. Sully rose and began to pace the length of the cave. "I thought they had backed off. It's been weeks since the fire. I didn't think we would hear from them again." "What are we going to do? How do we get Katie back?" He glanced at her and then continued pacing. "I don't think they want Katie. They want me. They want to lure me with Katie." "They aren't going to hurt her, are they?" Her belly felt hollow with fear at the thought of the renegades hurting her little girl. "No. I don't think so. They're using her to get to me. I'll try to set up a meeting with Cloud Dancing. Maybe he can help us deal with them." Michaela rose and brushed off the dirt from her skirts. "I'll go with you." Sully smiled at her ruefully. "I know. C'mon. We should get a start now. It'll be dark soon." Taking his wife's hand, they headed outside to where Sully kept his horse and, riding double, they headed off into the hills to find their friend. Black Moon rode into the small village, his men right behind him. He reined in his horse and dismounted, turning back to White Crow, the young brave who held the little girl. Katie had grown quiet as they rode, but she began to cry again when Black Moon plucked her from the arms of White Crow. Black Moon held her up, looking at her closely then balanced her on his hip and headed for his teepee. The women of the village that were around the cooking fire stared unobtrusively at him and the crying child he held. They wondered why Black Moon had brought a white child into their village, but of course would not dare to ask. Little River looked up as the teepee flap was lifted aside and Black Moon entered, a squalling child in his arms. She rose and looked at him curiously. Black Moon seemed to be slightly embarrassed. He clearly did not know what to do with the little girl. "Little River, this child is in need of some comfort. Would you care for her while she is with us?" He spoke in his native tongue, the words fluid and rhythmical. Little River nodded and reached for the little girl. She cuddled her to her ample breast, smoothing down the strange light coloured hair. The woman moved back to the pile of furs and sat down rocking Katie back and forth. She patted her back and hummed softly to her and in no time Katie had settled down. She seemed to sense that the woman meant her no harm and she relaxed, her head resting on the woman's shoulder and settled into hiccups as her tears dried on her cheeks. Black Moon grunted, seeing the child quiet at last. "The child will remain with us for now. You will care for her as your own." With a final nod he turned and left the tent to confer with his braves about the next step in their plan. Cloud Dancing nodded to Sully and Michaela as they approached. He left the man he was speaking to and came to meet them. He greeted them with a nod. "Sully, Michaela, it is good to see you." "It's good to see you too," Sully replied. Michaela barely managed a smile for her dear friend, so worried was she about Katie. "We need your help." Sully wasted no time. He knew that it was essential to get Katie back as soon as possible. "The renegades came to the house this afternoon. They attacked Michaela and took Katie with them. We need your help to get her back." Cloud Dancing looked from Sully to Michaela and back again. He could see the fear and guilt in Michaela's eyes and knew immediately that they had a problem. "I don't know how I can help you. You know that Black Moon does not listen to me." "Maybe we could try again. He wants something from me. He'll meet with us. But we need you to arrange it." "Please, Cloud Dancing," Michaela begged, touching his arm lightly. Cloud Dancing looked at her and saw the desperation in the depths of her eyes. He understood such feelings. He nodded briefly. "I will ride out there and see what I can do. You will wait here?" "No," Sully said. "We need to go back to town and tell Matthew and Brian. They'll be worried about us. We'll meet you at the cave." With nods of agreement and well wishes, the friends parted, each on their own mission. Sully and Michaela stood side by side beneath the shadow of an oak tree. The moon above was full, shedding it's pale light on the small clearing below. Cloud Dancing stood off to the side as the threesome waited in the darkness. An owl screeched, startling Michaela and she reached for Sully's hand. He squeezed her fingers comfortingly and smiled down at her, but the smile was slightly hollow. He too, was worried, but didn't want to show it. "Why is it taking so long?" Michaela whispered, looking up at her husband for an answer. "I don't know. We'll just have to wait." "He said he would be here and he will," Cloud Dancing offered. He knew his friend was worried that his young daughter would be hurt, but Cloud Dancing felt certain that Black Moon would uphold his part of the deal. The minutes passed and the moon disappeared behind a thick cloud. As the clearing gradually vanished in the darkness, Michaela felt a shiver run through her. She was frightened; for Katie and for themselves. She knew that the renegades blamed Sully for the slaughter after the attempted escape from the reservation so many months ago. She was terribly afraid that Black Moon would want some sort of revenge beyond what he had already extracted. She closed her eyes and prayed again that they would not have harmed her young daughter. When she opened her eyes again she was startled to see an Indian brave standing across the small clearing. The clouds had passed and the moon once again shone down upon them, shedding an eerie light upon the brave who's face was painted with black. Cloud Dancing spoke first. "We have come, alone and unarmed as Black Moon requested. Why is he not here?" The young brave turned to Cloud Dancing. "Black Moon did not trust you, old man. He waits not far from here." Anxious and worried, Michaela could wait no longer. "Where's Katie? Where is my daughter?" Her voice was strong as it carried through the night, but it hinted at her fear. "She is safe for now," came the reply. The brave stood still as though waiting for something or someone. Sully stepped forward into the clearing, the light spilling down on him and relieving the shadows. "Black Moon promised to meet with us. He promised to return our daughter. We have kept our part of the deal. We want our daughter back." "We will keep our promise." Michaela opened her mouth to speak, but uttered a startled cry instead as hands grabbed her from behind and something was thrown over her head. "Sully! Help me! Sully! What's happening?" she cried as her sight vanished. The smell of animal filled her nostrils as the material over her head was drawn tightly around her neck. Her hands were yanked behind her back and tied tightly with rope. While she struggled to escape, she heard Sully's muffled words from somewhere to her right and then a muffled thump. The voices settled down. She froze, listening carefully, then she cried out again. When there was no answer, she renewed her struggle as the hands on her arms pulled her forward. They walked through the bushes, following a trail for a piece before heading off directly through the woods. She could tell this as her footing became unstable suddenly and she felt branches tugging at her clothes. Unable to see where she was going, she tripped often, falling to her knees occasionally. The renegades that held her arms only grunted and hauled her to her feet once more. They seemed to walk for hours, but it was really only minutes. Walking blind, Michaela became aware of the sounds of the
night around her and the smells of the forest. The smells changed
suddenly as wood smoke permeated the leather wrapped over her
face. The pace of her silent companions altered, quickening as
they traveled up hill for a while and then stopping abruptly. "Let me go!" she cried, trying desperately to wrench herself free. She was roughly pushed to her knees and she felt someone fiddling with her bonds. A moment later her hands were free and she was yanked back to her feet again. She raised her hands to her head, trying to get the hide off. Her captor dragged her to the right and suddenly her hands were yanked down again and fastened with rope to a sturdy pole. Michaela tugged at her new bonds, but they held fast. She stood against the pole, breathing hard from her struggles. A hand touched her face through the hide and she caught her breath. She froze and every hair stood on end with fear as the fingers trailed over her face and neck. She felt the coldness of steel as it was pressed against her throat and, although she couldn't see anything, she closed her eyes expecting to feel the biting pain as whoever stood in front of her slit her throat. But that didn't happen. The rope holding the hide tight was suddenly loose and a moment later the hide was removed. She opened her eyes and looked straight into the blackened face of Black Moon. Anger rose within her and she yanked at her bonds, trying to leap at the man. He laughed at her attempt, knowing that she was powerless. Michaela tried to calm herself. She looked frantically around and saw that Sully was being held similarly across the small camp. His head hung down against his chest and she realized that he was unconscious. A fire burned brightly in their midst, helping to illuminate the dozen braves that stood around them. Michaela turned back to Black Moon. "Where is my daughter?" she demanded. Black Moon raised his hand and uttered something she couldn't understand. A moment later a young woman appeared, Katie in her arms. Michaela's heart leapt at the sight of her daughter sleeping peacefully. She wore a deerskin dress, not her own pretty clothes, but if she was sleeping then Michaela knew that she was alright. She ached to hold her daughter and she strained against her bonds to reach her. The woman stopped a few feet away, close enough that Michaela could see the lashes on her daughter's closed eyes, but far enough that she could not have reached her had her hands been free. She turned to Black Moon. "Please, let me hold her. Please," she pleaded. Black Moon seemed to hesitate. He stepped toward her, brushing the smoothness of his knife blade against her cheek, almost in a loving caress. Holding her gaze with his own deep eyes he uttered a few curt words. The woman holding Katie turned and walked off. Panic filled Michaela. "No!" she cried, struggling to go after her daughter. "No! Katie! Come back! Bring her back! Katie!" "Silence!" Black Moon commanded. Michaela stilled abruptly. "Your husband caused the death of my men. He betrayed us at the reservation and he owes me his life." "I didn't betray you!" Sully's voice cut
across the darkness, startling her and causing Black Moon to whirl
around. He seemed to relax slightly when he saw that Sully was
still held captive. Black Moon was enraged. He strode quickly across the small clearing, past the burning fire to where Sully stood. "You led the army to my men! The army slaughtered my men because of you!" "That's not true," Sully protested. There was a momentary silence then Black Moon uttered a few short words. One of the braves stepped forward and untied Sully from the post. He dragged him over to the fire pit and forced him to his knees beside an old tree stump. Black Moon strode into the firelight, withdrawing a long wicked looking blade from it's sheath at his waist. He examined the blade carefully, turning it so that the light glinted off the shiny steel. Sully's eyes were wide and Michaela was frozen in terror. "What are you going to do?" Sully asked, trying not to let his voice tremble. Black Moon looked down at him and grinned, his teeth brilliantly white in the darkness of the black paint on his face. "Revenge. Your life for the many lives you have ended." He approached him slowly while one of the braves holding Sully pushed his head down onto the stump. Michaela realized what he was planning to do and felt a shiver of fear run through her. Her knees turned to water and her belly felt hollow all of a sudden. She watched with growing terror as Black Moon raised the long knife over his head. She screamed as the knife began it's descent. "Nooooo!" Things seemed to happen in slow motion. The firelight glinted off the blade as it descended, making a perfect arc. Sully closed his eyes and tensed, waiting for the brief moment of pain that he felt sure would come before the final oblivion. But it didn't come. Michaela watched as Black Moon paused the knife just above Sully's neck. She closed her eyes and sobbed when she realized that he did not intend to finish the job. Black Moon stepped back and laughed, his braves laughing with him. Sully opened his eyes and stared, confused. He saw Michaela sobbing across the clearing before he was yanked to his feet again. Pulled back to a tree his hands were tied securely behind him, his feet tethered to the trunk. Black Moon grinned evilly at Sully then drew back his hand and smashed his fist into Sully's belly. Michaela opened her eyes at Sully's gasp. She struggled against her bonds while Black Moon continued to punch Sully. "Stop it!" she cried, struggling harder as the ropes bit into her wrists. "Leave him alone! Sully!" Black Moon ignored her and continued to beat Sully. He hit him several more times in the ribs and stomach then twice more in the face. Defenseless, Sully could do nothing but stand there and take it. He groaned as Black Moon landed a strong punch to the cheek. He felt the skin next to his eye split with the force of the blow. He could hear Michaela screaming and he felt the guilt rise within himself that he had brought her into this. "Stop," he whispered through his injured mouth. "Wait." "You have something to say to me?" Black Moon asked, pausing in the beating. Sully gasped for breath, nearly bent over double. He raised his head as best he could to look his enemy in the eye. "Let her go. Let Michaela go and you can do what you like." Black Moon looked back at Michaela then returned his steady gaze to Sully. "I do not think so." He picked up the knife and pressed it against Sully's shirt. Sully winced as the tip pierced his skin, but Black Moon ignored him and drew the blade down, splitting open Sully's shirt. He ripped the material from his body leaving him bare to the waist. Sweating from the beating, the cool night air felt good against Sully's bare skin. He tried to breathe deeply of the night air, but the pain in his side was nearly too much. He feared that Black Moon may have broken some ribs. He watched silently as the man approached the fire and stirred a stick within it sending sparks into the night sky. The moon was once again hidden by the clouds sending the clearing into shadows. He stiffened when he saw Black Moon turn around. The young Indian held a brand in his hand, the end of the iron red hot and shedding it's own light in the sudden darkness. Black Moon raised the glowing tip next to his face so that the red glow illuminated his evil grin. Sully knew then what the man had in mind. He had heard of white men tortured by the Indians. He knew that there were many things they could do short of killing a man; many things that would make a man wish he were dead. And he knew with certainty that Black Moon meant for him to wish he were dead. He closed his eyes briefly in a prayer and then braced himself for the pain that he knew would be forthcoming. Michaela stood still, watching Black Moon at the fire pit. She saw him stir up the fire and wondered at that. She wriggled her hands again, feeling the ropes that held her loosening somewhat. She bit her lip against the pain in her wrists, drawing blood. She felt a moment of confusion as Black Moon rose and the fire seemed to rise with him. It took a moment before she realized that he carried a brand, a glowing, red-hot piece of iron. She watched as Black Moon approached Sully and felt sick as she realized that he meant to burn her husband with it; to torture him with it. "Oh God, Sully!" she screamed. "No, Black Moon! Please!" Black Moon froze, the brand held inches away from Sully's chest. Sully opened his eyes and looked into the cold stare of his enemy. He could feel the heat of the red hot iron against his skin. He glanced down and saw that the tip was only two inches away from his skin, just above his heart. Black Moon moved the brand closer and Sully felt the heat increase, saw the red glow upon the whiteness of his breast. He gritted his teeth in anticipation of the searing pain. Michaela struggled harder and suddenly felt her bonds come free. She brought her hands forward, seeing the blood dripping down her wrists from the torn skin. Ignoring her pain she hurried across the clearing able to get as far as the fire pit before someone had a hold of her again. "Black Moon!" she screamed. Black Moon turned around. Fury filled him as he saw that Michaela was free. He whirled back on Sully and raised the poker preparing to press it into the yielding flesh. "Leave him alone!" Michaela cried. "Let him go and you can have me instead." Everyone seemed to freeze. Black Moon slowly lowered his arm and turned to face her. Sully looked at her with shocked surprise. Black Moon approached her, the brand still held in his hand. "What did you say?" Michaela felt hollow with fear. She swallowed over the lump in her throat and forced herself not to look at Sully. She couldn't bear to see his face right now. "Let him go and you can have me." Black Moon stared at her unblinking, then suddenly he laughed. "What makes you think that I would accept such an offer?" "Michaela stay out of it. Don't say anything else," Sully warned. Michaela maintained her gaze although she trembled from what she was saying. "If you promise not to hurt Sully anymore, if you promise to let him and Katie go, then I will stay with you here and you can exact your revenge upon me." "Michaela, no!" Sully screamed, feeling his heart break at the thought of her sacrificing herself for him. Black Moon reached out and grabbed her by the hair. He pulled her close and then kissed her hard on the mouth. Michaela cringed inside, but forced herself not to draw away, not to struggle. He drew back with a grin and slapped her cheek roughly. "I will consider this." He paused, turning back to look at Sully and the pained look upon his face. He looked to Michaela again. "You are offering yourself in place of your husband? You wish to give up your life so that your husband may live?" Tears burned Michaela's eyes as she thought of Colleen and Brian and Matthew, at home, unaware of what was happening. She closed her eyes as Katie filled her mind and bit her lip to keep from sobbing. "Yes." The word escaped as barely a whisper, her throat tight with unreleased sobs. She felt the tears slide over her cheeks and choked back the sobs as she realized that she was condemning herself to death. But at least Sully would live and her daughter would be safe. "Michaela! No!" Sully cried, tears burning his own eyes. His throat ached at the thought of Michaela being merciless at the hands of Black Moon. Black Moon nodded and approached Sully. He stood before him a moment and grinned. "Your wife is brave. I will accept her life in exchange for yours." Sully stared with a broken heart at Black Moon. He opened his mouth to beg him to let her go when pain exploded at the back of his head. Stars shot across his vision and then everything went dark. Sully slumped over against his bonds, unconscious. At a guttural command from Black Moon, two braves untied Sully and dragged him out of the clearing. Michaela watched them remove her husband and prayed that he would be safe. She tugged experimentally, but the hands held her still. She stood alone in the clearing now save for Black Moon and two of his men. Black Moon motioned to her and the men suddenly released her and left the clearing. She approached him carefully and sat down on the stump when he indicated. She turned her gaze away from him to stare into the flames of the fire. She felt the heat, but shivered from the cold of expected death nonetheless. "You are very brave," Black Moon said softly, crouching next to her and looking at her sideways. Michaela raised her chin but did not take her eyes off the flames. "I love my husband. I would do anything for him." Black Moon grunted. "Such strong love is rare. I have known few men who have seen such a love." He paused and looked at her closely. "I will give you a choice. You may come and live with me as my wife or you may die." Michaela folded her hands in her lap, trying to appear calm and stoic. Her tears had dried on her cheeks, but new ones were pressing in her eyes, blurring the flames before her. She refused to blink and let them fall. She needed to appear strong right now, not weak. Tears, to her, where a sign of weakness. "I love Sully," she whispered. "I cannot love another man. I cannot live with you." She could not bear the thought of Black Moon touching her intimately. Nor could she bear the thought of never seeing Sully or the children again. She swallowed and choked back her tears. "I choose . . . I choose . . . to die," her voice faded on the last word, barely audible. The tears escaped now and flowed down her cheeks as she condemned herself to death. She jumped when Black Moon laid a hand upon her knee. "How do you wish to die?" he asked, his voice rather calm. The fury of before seemed to have left him. Michaela reached out and pushed his hand away, shivering. "However you choose." Black Moon turned away from her and studied the flames for awhile. It was silent in the clearing, silent except for the crackle and pop of the fire, the wind sloughing through the leaves in occasional bursts. The moon disappeared behind thick clouds once more, shadows deepening around them, the outline of nearby trees fading away in the darkness. Michaela swallowed over the lump in her throat. Her heart continued to pound and a light sweat broke out over her forehead as she waited. The waiting was unbearable. She couldn't take it any longer. "Please," she whispered softly, voice scratchy with unshed tears. "Do it now." Black Moon reached out to the fire and withdrew a small stick. The one end of it was flaming still, shedding a feeble light over the ground as he moved it toward her. "Shall you die by fire then?" he asked, his voice pitched low. Michaela drew back, eyes wide as the small flame came nearer. With a sudden movement Black Moon pressed the flaming stick against her skirt. The material caught quickly, flames leaping up her skirt. Michaela uttered a cry of shock and frantically beat out the flames. She was not hurt though, merely frightened. Black Moon laughed at her. He pulled out his knife once more and, holding it in his left hand he reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair. Michaela gasped at the pain in her scalp as he pulled her hair taught. He smiled evilly at her. "Such beautiful, long hair," he whispered cruelly as he brought up the sharp knife. He held it against her neck, pressing gently so that she might feel it's sharpness and then in a swift motion he swiped it to the side. Michaela cried out at the suddenness of his movement. She reached up a hand as Black Moon drew back, a fistful of her long hair brandished before him. Tears filled her eyes as her hand met the short ends of her hair just over her left ear. She closed her eyes as the tears overflowed, remembering a time when Grace had had the same thing done to her. She understood now how the other woman had felt. Black Moon waved the long strands of her hair in her face until she opened her eyes. When he was sure that she was watching him, he tossed the handful of hair into the fire. There was a sizzling and then the sharp smell of burning hair wafted over them. Michaela cringed from it, covering her mouth and nose with her hands as tears burned her eyes.. The wind picked up again, bringing with it the sharp smell of coming rain. It was only moments later that the clouds that had drifted over the moon eased their fullness. Michaela looked up as she felt the cool drops of rain. She let the water wash her face of her tears hearing the sputtering as the drops landed in the fire. Black Moon rose and grabbed her by the arm. He pulled her across the clearing to the far side. They stood there a moment in the rain as Michaela looked down over the edge of a ravine. Sharp, jagged rocks marked the way to the bottom which was hidden in darkness, the depth of the ravine unknown. Black Moon pushed her forward and Michaela cried out as she teetered over the brink. He was only taunting her though as he kept a firm hold of her arm and quickly pulled her back again. Against her will, Michaela found herself clutching at his arm to keep from falling. The rain came down harder and plastered her hair against her head and the fabric of her dress against her body. Black Moon brought out a strip of leather and tied her wrists together tightly. He bent and quickly tied her ankles together as well. Pulling out a long, thin rope from his pouch he attached the one end to her wrists with a knot. Walking to a nearby tree, he tied the other end around the trunk. "What are you doing?" Michaela asked as he came to stand before her again. The fire was sputtering, it's dying flames giving off little light. She could barely see him, with his dark hair and face painted black. Only his eyes and his teeth were clearly visible in the darkness and rain. He touched the rope around her wrists. "This rope is thin, not very strong. It will not hold you for long." Her brows together in confusion, but she had only time to utter "What . . . ?" before he gave her a strong shove. Michaela screamed as she stepped back and met only air. She fell for a few feet until the rope ran out. As it became taught it yanked her arms painfully above her, snapping the bone of her left arm in two and nearly ripping them from their sockets as her full weight pulled her down. Unprotected, she slammed against the jagged rock face. Bruised and bleeding, she hung against the cliff, arms pulled straight above her. She hung there a moment, reeling from the excruciating pain. As she waited for her strength to return the cold rain continued to pour down upon her. The rope creaked slightly as she moved, struggling to get her feet against the rocks. The rope around her ankles hindered her terribly and she was not able to get a secure foothold. Black Moon leaned over the edge and looked down at her, hanging six feet below the edge. "The rope will not hold for long. Then you will fall to your death and I will have my revenge." He turned away from the edge and moved to where he had a small shelter set up. There he sat, alone, waiting for the moment of her death. Katie. Papa's coming. It's alright. Sully groaned as he opened his eyes. He could hear his daughter crying and for a moment he was confused. He thought he was at home in bed, but quickly realized that he was not. He sat up suddenly, then clutched his head as everything begin to spin around. He groaned again and pressed his eyes closed against the pain that pounded through his head. Katie's wails brought him around again and he opened his eyes and lowered his hands. He looked around and found her sitting at his feet, crying as the rain came down on her. Sully reached for her and gathered her close, crooning softly to her. Katie burrowed against him, tucking her head against his shoulder and putting her tiny arm around his neck. "Ssshh," he whispered. "It's alright. Papa's here. It's alright." He rubbed her back and looked around him, seeking shelter. He was back in the clearing where they had first met the young brave. There was nothing around save the trees. He wore only his breeches and he was as soaked as Katie. He rose slowly, feeling the pulling of his injured body, the pain in his ribs and head throbbing steadily. He had taken only a few steps forward when a figure suddenly appeared out of the darkness. "Sully?" The dark form asked. Relief flooded him as the recognized the voice. "Cloud Dancing! What happened to you? Where have you been?" "I woke up and you were gone. One of Black Moon's braves had struck me. I was unconscious. I have been looking for you." He paused now as he took in the crooked way that Sully stood, the bruised and battered face and Katie held tightly in his arms. "You have been hurt. Where is Dr. Mike?" Sully felt his heart clench as he remembered what had transpired before the blackness had taken him. "She surrendered herself to Black Moon and he let me go." Cloud Dancing reached out and gripped his friends shoulder. "We will find her. Come," The two men set off through the woods, trying to track down the trail they had followed to the clearing. Precious minutes passed as they tried to find the path. When they finally came upon the clearing it was purely by accident. They stopped at the edge, looking through the rain at the darkened space. The fire pit was black, but the scent of smoke still permeated the wet air. They approached carefully. There was no one in sight. Everyone appeared to have gone. They walked quickly into the clearing, looking round them frantically. "I was sure this was it," Sully said. A cry from behind them gave them little warning. Black Moon lunged through the darkness, knocking Sully off his feet. Sully clutched at his daughter, trying to protect her as he fell to the ground. Katie screamed, shocked, frightened and in pain as Black Moon tumbled over them. Cloud Dancing grabbed the young brave and hauled him up, turning him around and smashing his fist into the man's belly. He hit him again and then knocked him over the head with a branch that had been lying next to the fire pit. Black Moon fell to the ground unconscious. Cloud Dancing stood for a moment, breathing hard from the sudden exertion and the rush of adrenalin. Katie's wails brought him to action as he gave Sully a hand to his feet. They looked around cautiously, waiting for the next attack, but it didn't come. They realized then that Black Moon had been waiting here alone. Sully quieted his daughter and as he did so he became aware of another voice, seemingly far away, calling out. "Michaela!" he cried, turning round and searching for her. He could see nothing and the two men began to explore the area surrounding them, calling out to her. Michaela opened her eyes. She could hear a child crying. Katie? She listened more closely and realized that it was indeed her daughter. Feeling renewed strength rush through her she leaned her head back and called out. "Katie! Someone! Help me!" She tried to kick against the rock, but the pain in her arms and shoulders made her stop. She grimaced as the rope bit tighter into her injured wrists, then shrieked as the rope slipped suddenly and she dropped a few inches, scraping down over the face of the rock. Sully froze as he heard her cry out. He put Katie down and rushed over to the edge of the ravine, dropping to his knees and looking down over the edge. He could barely see her there, six feet below him. "Michaela!" he cried. She looked up at him. "Sully! Help me! The rope, it's slipping." Sully noticed the rope then. He grabbed it and turned to see where it went. He saw that it was wrapped around a tree and the rope was fraying at the knot that Black Moon had loosely made. He tugged experimentally at the rope and felt it give another inch. Cloud Dancing was on his knees beside him as they exchange glances. This was going to be very close. Sully leaned back over the side. "Michaela! We're going to pull you up. Try to climb if you can." She groaned as Sully and Cloud Dancing grabbed the thin rope and pulled her up a foot. Pain shot through her arms and lights exploded before her eyes, but she tried to ignore it. She tried to push up against the rock with her feet, but felt them slip over the crumbling rock face. "Sully, hurry!" They pulled slowly, watching the rope for signs of breakage. Another foot and another. Sully gave the rope over to Cloud Dancing as he leaned over the edge reaching for her. "Michaela! Try to grab my hand." She looked up. She could see him there, just a few inches above her hands. "I can't, Sully. My arms, my hand, I can't move them." Sully slid forward some more while Cloud Dancing held on to the rope. He stretched as far as he could and suddenly felt the tips of his fingers brush against hers. "I've almost got you. Cloud Dancing! Just a little more. Pull her up a little more." Cloud Dancing pulled some more, leaning back. The rope around Michaela's wrists burned and cut into her flesh. She did not feel Sully's fingers touching hers, her hands had lost all feeling. She felt a momentary lightness as the rope slid over her wrists, finally unraveling. She screamed as she realized that she was going to fall to her death and then Sully's hand closed over wrist. "Michaela! I've got you! Hold on!" Sully reached down with his other hand and grasped her tightly. Cloud Dancing let go of the useless rope and grabbed his friend. He pulled hard as Sully pulled on Michaela's hands. Slowly they inched their way up over the edge until Cloud Dancing grabbed Michaela by the arm and helped to haul her up over the edge. Michaela cried out in pain as Cloud Dancing pulled on her broken arm. She fainted as she reached the top and Sully collapsed, out of breath. He gathered Michaela against him and she regained consciousness and then sobbed her relief to be safe. Her arms were still stretched above her and Cloud Dancing quickly slit the leather that bound her hands and ankles together. Sully reached up along her arms and gently eased them back down to her side. Michaela cried out from the pain in her shoulders as the taught muscles protested being put back in place again and the bones of her left arm ground together. She groaned as the blood began to flow back into her hands, making them feel as though they were on fire. "My hands," she cried, cradling the blue appendages against her chest. "They hurt, oh, God, Sully they hurt!" Sully took her hands and gently rubbed them, causing her to cry out again as the blackness began to cloud her vision again. Sully noticed her arm then, that it was broken. He gently massaged her shoulders, then returned his attention to her hand again, kissing the good one lovingly. The rain dripped down his nose onto her fingers and he kissed the drops away. "It's okay," he whispered. "You're safe now. Everything is alright." She leaned against him and closed her eyes, feeling terribly weak. Suddenly she felt small hands grabbing at her and she opened her eyes quickly. Cloud Dancing had brought Katie over to them and placed the child in her lap. "Katie! My baby!" She cried, hugging the child to her and smothering her with kisses. They sat for a few moments longer, a reunited family, holding each other and taking pleasure in the small touches each gave. The rain continued to wash over them, but the family was oblivious to the wetness. Sully kissed Michaela lightly on the mouth, his hand caressing her cheek. "Let's go home," he whispered. Michaela smiled at him and blinked away the tears that fell unnoticed in the rain. "Yes," she whispered back, touching his bruised face lovingly with her temporarily crippled hand. "Let's." Michaela stood next to Katie's crib, looking down at her sleeping daughter. It was very late and the child had finally fallen asleep. Sully's hands came down lightly on her shoulders and she winced, but leaned back against his chest welcoming his strength and his warmth through the thin fabric of her nightgown. "She's finally asleep," Michaela said softly, closing her eyes as she leaned against him. "Black Moon?" she asked, her voice tight with feeling. "Matthew took him to the army. He's been arrested. He won't be causin' any more trouble." Sully kissed the top of her head. "Come sit by the fire. I'll fix up your arm for you." Taking her by her uninjured hand, he drew her over to the fire and sat her down in the chair. He knelt down before her on the carpet, her medical bag next to him. He eased the makeshift bandage off her arm and examined the swollen appendage. Michaela ran her fingers along her forearm, feeling the bones within. She grimaced as she pressed slightly to determine the severity of the break. Small beads of perspiration broke out on her forehead at the pain she was causing herself. Sully watched silently as his wife examined her own arm. She was so brave, now and before. He watched the firelight flicker over her face, highlighting the scratches and scrapes. He felt his throat tighten as he gazed at her, his heart swelling with the love he felt for her. She would have given her life for him and had paid dearly for that decision. Words could not express what he felt then as he watched her. "Cloud Dancing seems to have set it properly. I think it will be all right if we splint it properly and wrap it up," Michaela said. She looked up when Sully didn't respond. He reached out to her and touched her cropped hair lightly, his fingers lightly tracing her ear and then the line of her cheek, bruised and scraped as it was. "I'm sorry," he whispered as a tear made its way down his own swollen cheek. Thinking of her cropped hair caused tears to spring to Michaela's eyes as well. She recalled the shocked looks on Matthew and Brian's faces when they had returned home. She had not yet looked in the mirror and she didn't think that she would anytime soon. "It's not your fault," she said softly, cradling her injured arm. "You did what you had to do. So did I." Sully nodded and wiped away the wetness from his cheek. He picked up the splints that Michaela had in her bag and, under her direction, splinted and bound her arm properly. Then he reached into her bag for some salve and began to rub the sweet smelling cream onto the wounds of her wrists. Michaela sat still, watching him. When they had first arrived at the homestead she had been unable to stop shivering, from cold and from shock. Now, she felt herself growing quite warm, not only from the heat of the fire, but from the desire and love growing within her. Sully looked up at her suddenly, catching her eye. She drew in her breath as he began to lightly rub the salve onto the scrapes on her face. His fingers light as a feather on her skin, the slight pain of his touch turning to pleasure. Their eyes held and burned with their love. "Sully," she whispered, leaning toward him. Sully kissed her softly, his lips gentle upon her own, feather light and loving. He drew back, gazing her at softly. "Tonight, when you sacrificed yourself for me," he broke off, gathering his thoughts. "You nearly died tonight, Michaela. I couldn't bear it if you died." "I couldn't bear it if you died," she replied. "I felt as though my heart were being ripped to pieces when Black Moon beat you. And then, when he put you on the tree stump . . ." she stopped, tears spilling down her cheeks and over his hand that still cupped her cheek. Michaela brought her own hand up over his, turning her face to kiss his palm. "I couldn't stand there and watch him kill you. I couldn't bear your pain." Sully nodded and removed his hand. He understood what she felt. He had felt the same way. He dipped his finger into the jar once more and began applying salve to her ankles and the burns left there by the rope. He used the moment to collect himself. Michaela closed her eyes, trying to stop the tears. His fingers on her skin felt wonderful and she wished that he would go on forever like he was. She reached out her good hand and rested it on his shoulder. Sully looked up at her and she reached for the jar he held. He handed it to her and she carefully dipped her finger inside. She smoothed the cream over his own battered face, rubbing lightly with her fingertips, as he had done. Sully gazed into her eyes until she stilled, caught up in the depths of his blue eyes once more. "Do you forgive me?" he asked softly. "Yes," she breathed. "Do you forgive me?" "Yes." Sully gathered her close, holding her as tightly as their injuries allowed. He kissed her lovingly, questioning and she answered him completely, surrendering herself to him and his touch, allowing the light of their love to dispel the shadows of the night.
Disclaimer: Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and its characters were created by Beth Sullivan. This story in no way intends to infringe upon any copyrights owned by Ms Sullivan or CBS. If anyone associated with DQMW objects to this site and wishes for it to be removed, I will do so when asked in writing. The story content is my own and is copyrighted November 6, 1997. This story may not be stored on any other server without the author's prior permission. Links to this site would be appreciated, although please inform me if you do. |