This is about my hubby
Ken. We have been married 14 years and I love him with all my heart!
He is such a wonderful husband, father, and friend.
Ken works as a corporate
parts department manager for a Chevrolet Toyota Dealership. He has worked there for
16 years and has been manager for 13 of those years. He is great at what he
does! Here is a great article that was in one of Ken's magazines at
It fits our life EXACTLY!!!!
Wife Blues"
I am married to the world's
greatest parts manager in the history of parts managers.
Yes, I respect his position and yes it puts food on our family's table, but being a parts
wife in not all sunshine and roses.
I'm writing this article to salute all the other parts wives out there who will relate to
my story.
Each day begins with me
wandering through the house to pick up all the scraps of paper with parts numbers
scribbled on them and worrying that the one I throw away will be the one he actually
When I watch him scrub
numbers off the palms of his hands (and all the way up his arm) I'm amazed he hasn't
gotten some kind of ink poisoning from years of being a human legal pad.
About noon the phone will
ring and I'll hear "Hey, Babe, can you whip something up on the stove real quick,
I'm bringing home 5 mechanics for lunch!"
Evening comes and we decide
to go out to eat. While sitting in the restaurant in our small town, at least a half
dozen men approach us to ask questions such as, "Hey man, what's the brother-in-law
price on a computer for my old pick-up? I forgot what year it is, but I'm pretty sure it's
got a V-8 in it. Can you step outside and take a look for me?"
So there I sit, alone, eating my "romantic" dinner.
The children have learned
that at inventory time NOBODY talks to or bothers Daddy until it is all over, and we all
pray that when it is over, it will have "come out to the good" so Daddy will be
happy again.
For all the little stresses,
there have been equally as many great things about being a parts wife.
My personal favorite is some of the great trips he has won for working hard and doing an
outstanding job.
I have also made many friends
and his counter men treat me and my kids like family.
So to all you rookie and
veteran parts wives, I say listen to the stories about wholesale,
be extra sweet during inventory, and hang in there because he is worth it.
~Written By Shey Lide~

~Ken's favorite things~
Being a Daddy
Seattle Mariner Baseball
Building a deck, putting in a
new patio,, any home remodeling project.
Being outside
Riding moutain bikes
Playing raquetball
Ice water to drink
Hot and spicey food, the
hotter the better
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July 11, 2003
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