Welcome Readers! I AM interested in genuine, sincere, and POLITE feedback from anyone caring to respond to this section of my website, but don't even waste your time or mine trying to "argue" since I'm just NOT interested, nor do I have the time or energy. You're entitled to think I'm a nut, or whatever unusual species of creature you please, but I'd probably think the same of you if you're very far off my shared train of thought. I don't wish to scare away sincere disagreements, and well-thought-out positions on the subjects below; in fact, these are genuinely welcome, but if you're some gun nut or racist or whatever, you might as well better use your time elsewhere. In the future, I hope to share a selection of any E-mail I receive about the subjects here, if it's O.K. with the original sender(s), by up-loading some of it to this political division of my site. Thanks so much for your courteous visit to some of my most sincerely-held beliefs.
You'll soon discover I'm pretty iconoclastic, outspoken, and possibly even (to some) obnoxious, with quite a few out-of-the-mainstream ideas I want to share with anyone who's interested. If you find, when you read any of my "screeds", that you heartily disagree, I'd love to have a private e-mail from you, even if you're just trying to help "straighten me out". Still, I've taken a lifetime developing these ideas, so it's unlikely you'll be able convince me to change; feel free to put up your own site if you just want to argue ;-)
So... if you dare to hear some alternative thinking from that of the media and the mainstream of American life, come on in and browse, and subject yourself to some of my most heartfelt and intense beliefs. But... if you can't take hearing some possibly unpleasant thoughts, please don't bother yourself or ME, and just move on, OR . . . just go ahead and by-pass this political section of my website to get to the parts which might interest you.
In America, It's the Schools, Stupid!
Rant on the school killings in Colorado (Columbine) - April 11, 1999
October Surprise
re the "stealing" of the 1980 Presidential election - July 2, 1991