Barbara Carroll VOLZ Smith's Family

Dear Amateur Individual Genealogists like myself,

Please feel free to help yourself to any information here presented, but I hope you'll link back to this page, or otherwise credit me for its use. All birthdates of living people have been removed to protect their privacy. I have lots more information than this to share, including sources, with anyone who's interested, and I'd appreciate it if you'd E-mail me any corrections, additions, or comments. There's now a much better, more complete & up-to-date, downloadable, and easier-to-use version of my family database at

This work is the result of all of the combined contributions of close family members and newly-met cousins afar, old friends and many newly-made Internet pals listed on my CREDITS PAGE. I want to offer my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all the help, though the faults are mine alone. Please forgive me if I've forgotten you. In only a little over a year, this list became so long as to merit its own separate page. Please click on Credits above to see the names of all my wonderful helpers and contributors.


  • Bernard WENNING's origin near Muenster in Westphalia, his boat over, and the date of his immigration to Cincinnati
  • Conrad; Heinrich (Henry); Gustav; Wilhelm (William); the twins, John and Philipp; & Friedrich (Frederick) BEYER's father's and wife, Maria (Mary) SCHERER's, origin

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I. FAMILY GROUP SHEETS - Many of These Have Pictures!

                       Surname Index             Individuals Index

II. OUTLINES of Main Surnames from Earliest Known Ancestors:

Descendants of George BARBER, Sr. (b. ca. 1678) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Dr. James BELL Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Humphrey BELT (b. ca. 1615) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Peter BEYER (b. ca. 1821) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Benois/Benjamin BRASSEUR/BRASHEAR (b. ca. 1620) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Unknown BRAUER (b. ca. 1790) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Charles CAMPBELL (b. ca. 1730)Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Michael CARROLL MOCLAIR (b. ca. 1832-4) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Richard DRAPER (b. 1665) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Mareen DUVALL (b. ca. 1630)Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of William GRIFFITH (b. 1657) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Simon HIRONS (b. ca. 1725)Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Hermann JOANNING (b. ca. 1663)Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Jakobus KUNZSurnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of John MACCUBBIN (b. ca. 1640)Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Thomas PALMER (b. ca. 1590)Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Edward PORTER (b. 1630)Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Johann Heinrich REVERMANN (b. ca. 1795) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Dr. Edward SANDERS (b. 1621)Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Joseph SCHMID, Sr.Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of John SMITH Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of William SMITH Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Walter TAYLOR (b. 1660) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of John VOLZ (b. ca. 1650) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Joseph VON ROHR (b. ca. 1825) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Cadwalader WATKINS (b. ca. 1660) Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Bern(h)ard WENNING (b. 1847)Surnames Included Individuals Included
Descendants of Johann Gerhard WESSELING/WESSLING (b. 1798) Surnames Included Individuals Included

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work in progress and, from personal experience, very little can be taken as the ultimate truth...

Copyright 1998-2003 Barbara V. Smith
No Commercial Uses Permitted
Created Aug 16, 1998 and last modified 30 September, 2002
by Reunion, from Leister Productions, Inc.

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