Featuring the Chirpings of Mango Bird!

Mango picture

Bird Animation

Hello everyone! Welcome to my webpage. My name is "Mango". As you can see, I am a peachfaced lovebird. I don't get out of my cage too often, but when I do, I like to chase my cat friends, Sunfall and Smoke. Also all good papers must be hidden because I like to "punch" them. My favourite TV show is X-Files, I like to chirp along with the theme music.

Mango picture

Mango picture

When I am on the floor, I like to feed people's toes. I do my little dance called the "Mango Shuffle".(to the tune of "The Hustle") You go forwards, backwards, in a circle, and then you wolf-up your cookies!. It's lots of fun.

Bye for now, Mango Bird

Visit my cat friends, Mango and Smoke, in The Cathouse

and my dog friend, Bijou, in The Doghouse

P.S. Click on the mail box to contact me:


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This Lovebird Ring site is owned by Mango Bird Want to join The Lovebird Ring? Graphics copyright 1997 by Vera

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