As we are located in Sweden the currency change So a email is the best way to get a price if you want to order the price we give you is based on the currency in your Nation and only vaccant for 1 week. But as most custimors do pay in Swedish currency who is SEK, Talk to your local bank about our price in your currency as our Swedish price is the same.
and this is standard mill and the mill we call standard is often called deluxe,special,future or any other star treack name. We want our custimor to get one hell of a mill and dont have to pay extra for its going to turn easy or look fine.
If you live out side Sweden and dont come to our factory and pick it up, you have to import it, i do not export it as i havent time for the paper work you seek after the cheapest frieght company who suit you and let me now with a mail and i tell you then its ready to be shipped, i also mail you a invoice in your currency or mine And then the deal is over. Its easy, fast and this way i can cut down the price as i havent spend long hours calling every one, and instead making mills
If your lazy DHL/UPS have a good service from door to door and its fast delivery.
If you running grayhound kennels etc and need a couple of mills we can give discounts, and will then order more then 5 mills at a time to same adress.