Our Mills Are The Best Money Can by

All Steel Frame

High Class Skate Wheels

100% Bearings On All Wheels

Welded Belt!! The Only On The Market

4 Point Hook Up

Quiet Running

Free Spinning

Made By A Pro

We aint any wannabee millmaker, i have done mills Monday to Friday for the last 15 years, We have tray that and done that!, nothing is new to us!
No Brag Just Plain Truth
The millindustry have more or less explode the last years and millmakers pop up every there, some are decent and some are not, and its very hard for you the custimor to pick the right one. Friends Dont be fooled by expensive adverts or sites or the dog record of the millmaker. Its not of any use for you if the man had 2000 ch dogs on his yard, you need a quality mill Not a fancy story to tell your friends about the man who makes them.
I want you to take a close look at the mills on the market, se what ours have and the others dont this way you dont get ripped of. Our welded belt perhapps dont seam to be any fancy, and it aint!, but this thing can save you from extensive trouble, people who have other mills have come to me for years and want to have a new belt with slats as they are tierd of belt untrack or slats fly of then the dog breacking his stride. The best part of our mills is they are cheaper I am a working man and offer mills at a working mans price, but still fancy for the livingroom.

This slatmill from early 1900

was made for dog to be the motor

to the washing machine and churning butter etc.

At same time the dog gets in peak!

We will soon have Washing machine to connect to your MILLMAN mill!

Why Use Mills/More info..............

Any qustion conserning MILLMAN Mill or otherPerformance products for the raceing K-9 email us

We dont just make the best mill we are nice to!!!!