You might say that this section is my virtual shoebox. I don't know about you, but I like to keep things that mean a lot to me in a shoebox. In my real-life shoebox, I have old love letters, ticket stubs from various things I've been to, cards from friends, postcards from some of the places I've been, my high school graduation tassle, a letter from my mother telling me how much she loves me, and many other small but significant things. This is sort of like that. Small, but significant to me.
My son once taught me about the power of positive thinking. It was gray out and he was cheery. I asked him what he was so happy about, and he said (with some exasperation, like this was the most obvious thing in the world), "Because it's beautiful outside." Here are some of the things that have made me happy. |
Rants & Raves |
This is an index to small articles I've written about things I think are either shameful or praiseworthy. It's a good thing to keep the positive and the negative balanced. Otherwise you fall over. Or you get electricuted. I can't remember which. |
Musings |
This is what comes of being a fast typist and having a brain that never completely turns off. This is stuff I think about when I'm driving my car or taking a shower or am otherwise engaged in a mindless act that requires that I be somewhat awake. |
Book Reviews |
Sci fi...history...mystery...non-fiction... It really doesn't matter. I just plain out love to read. |
Games |
Check out your biorhythms (it's okay, you don't have to get undressed to do it) and have a look at my first and only attempt at JavaScript: Hawg's Mystery Date game. |