These are the responses and comments from other visitors. Browse and enjoy!

07/27/00 20:42:43
Name: Janice Fowler My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: Sort of. See comment. Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Yes Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 2/8/54
Birth place (city & state): Chelsea, MA Spouse's full birth name: Donald Alton Fowler Occupation: Programmer

Isabelle Millen who was Alexander Sweet's 2nd wife was my mother's great aunt.

07/18/00 01:33:30
Name: Richard Hashagen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: NO! Just Friends Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Went to school with Don Sweet in Spokane Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 01/06/24
Birth place (city & state): Spokane, WA Spouse's full birth name: LulaMae Collins Occupation: RETIRED!!!!!!

Love your home page. Thx for letting us read it. Dick.

02/25/00 01:37:51
Name: Reg Sweet My URL: Visit Me
Are we related? How?: probably not Birth place (city & state): moncton.nb

Hi Stu There is a book in the Nova Scotia Provincial Archives called the Sweet Family Saga. It is all about the Sweet family history in Nova Scotia.

01/30/00 03:04:24
Name: Rob
My URL: Visit Me
Are we related? How?: cousins

Hi Stu, this a great site, you will have to teach me how to do one like this. I think I can send my whole file from family tree to you, I will try this coming week. I need the birth, death and marriage for Shubael and Hanna. Thanks a lot Rob, you did f nd my son Bob, thats how I got the message.

11/07/99 02:21:33
Name: Sally Smith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: Possibly Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 5-13-37 Birth place (city & state): Corinna, ME
Spouse's full birth name: Edward Smith Occupation: housewife

I saw the name Asa Kimball in your surnames. I am one through my mother's mother. She was a Kimball before she married a Bates. I have a book titled The Joseph Kimball Family. It was my mother's. It starts with Richard Kimball who came to the U.S. on the Elisabeth in April 1634. I am descended from his son, Richard. Thought you might be interested. I couldn't find Asa's name in it, though. Might be one of those who are not in it.

05/22/99 20:35:52
Name: El;eonore Mayer Sweet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: I am your mother Is there a Sweet in your family line?: All three sons Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): ll-l0-25
Birth place (city & state): Phila.,Pa. Spouse's full birth name: Stuart Sweet Occupation: CEO Michael Carbone,Inc

This Computer stuff really throws me!

10/09/98 22:31:50
Name: D Jacques (Vincent) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are we related? How?: Don't think so
Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Yes Spouse's full birth name: D Jacques

Sterling Eano Sweet Born Phoenix, Ny Abt 1844-46 Married Nancy Jane Harrison -- Peiedmont,Mo 17 May 1874 Had 4 daughters Florence Mary Hannah Martha (Mattie) I have the daughters birth dates and some death dates should you need them. Sterling was a boatman before joing the Ny Volunteers (CW). I have his army records and discharge paper. He worked for Zion Mountain Railroad afer the war during which he met and married Nancy. She died in 1790 He died 3 Dec 1901. Wayne Co, Mo. Is buried in bewring Cemetary Post Office, Zelma,Mo please keep in touch

10/02/98 11:32:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

08/03/98 17:10:10
Name: lynn goetz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are we related? How?: no
Is there a Sweet in your family line?: no

hi stu !!!

08/03/98 17:08:46
My URL: Visit Me


06/06/98 16:26:24
Name: Ruth Ellen Shattuck (aka. Rufus) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: I couldn't tell ya. Is there a Sweet in your family line?: I'm the only sweet one. Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): You really want me to tell you that!?!?!? (11/27/69)
Birth place (city & state): Denver, CO Spouse's full birth name: You tell me . . . I'm still waiting to find out! Occupation: missionary in Quito, Ecuador

Hey, this is cool, Stufus! As you can see, I've finally hit your page. Let me know when you have new stuff on it. Chao for now, Rufus

05/22/98 20:06:57
Name: Judy Sweet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: don't think so??? Is there a Sweet in your family line?: YES__ME Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): nov/9/1890
Birth place (city & state): Jefferson co. Ky Spouse's full birth name: Mary Tom Hagan Occupation: factory

really like your page, and love seeing the Sweet name from all parts of the us my line is fron KY where there are still lots there in Elisbethtown KY

05/19/98 18:02:07
Name: Bob Sweet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: Perhaps Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Yes Birth place (city & state): Bathurst, NB, Canada
Occupation: Systems Analyst

Great page Stu. I'll link to it from my homepage.

04/29/98 15:58:26
Name: Candyce Michelle Sweet My URL: Visit Me
Are we related? How?: Maybe!! Is there a Sweet in your family line?: My dad's side
Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 07/18/81 Birth place (city & state): Albion, MI

i am really interested in finding out who my ancestors were and who my fellow family members are!!

04/25/98 19:16:03
Name: Michael Evans Sweet My URL: Visit Me Are we related? How?: Yes. Brother.
Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Yes. A whole lot of them. Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 4-13-52 Birth place (city & state): Camden, New Jersey
Spouse's full birth name: Debra Katherine Sutton Occupation: Professional liar according to David Lindley

Great page. Looking forward to all of the new additions now that I am connected. I'll be sure to sign on with the girls. See you next month. Your brother always. Michael.

04/25/98 18:46:48
Name: Michael Evans Sweet
My URL: Visit Me


03/13/98 18:59:15
Name: Walter A. Troelsen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: Yes. Viking Raid early-on Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Yes. My SWEET WIFE!! Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): Old as I feel,often older
Birth place (city & state): Wayzata, MINNESOTA - UFDA! Spouse's full birth name: Sure, not this guy!! Occupation: Surviving each day at....?

I will be back to fill this'll probably need more memory!

03/11/98 14:57:53
Name: Tim McCorristin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Birth place (city & state): Millville,NJ

I'd be interested in seeing what info you have on the McCorristins in your line. My crew was and is from good old MIllville New Jersey. Look forward to hearing from you.

03/02/98 12:21:19
Name: Nicole Lina Sweet My URL: Visit Me
Are we related? How?: Daughter Is there a Sweet in your family line?: yes
Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 08/20/81 Birth place (city & state): Fort Wayne, IN

Dadoo The page is pretty cool. I made it! leaving for California in a couple of hours. Nicole

02/13/98 08:42:23
Name: Debra Parminter My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are we related? How?: ???
Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Many sweet people Occupation: Mom

Hi Sam; Returning the favor, thanks for visiting Hants Co. NS GenWeb and signing the guestbook. Good luck with your search.

01/09/98 01:25:15
Name: Linda Mary McLoughlin Serrano My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: Kinda Is there a Sweet in your family line?: There are some sweet people Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): A month and a year after you
Birth place (city & state): Gary, Indiana Spouse's full birth name: Euardo Elvis Sepuveda Torres Ortiz Santiago (really) Occupation: netsurfer

Great website, Stu. Later

01/04/98 23:09:49
Name: Emilie deAlteris Sweet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: yes, I'm your brilliant and talented daughter Is there a Sweet in your family line?: yes, many Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 06/09/79
Birth place (city & state): Meadville, PA Spouse's full birth name: Mr. Really Right Occupation: Diva in training

You rock!

12/23/97 22:36:52
Name: Mark Van Zuidam My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Are we related? How?: I hope not!
Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Everyone in my family is sweet

Great web site!

12/21/97 19:10:38
Name: Jame E. Sweet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: Cousin Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Yes Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 06/04/1942
Birth place (city & state): Camden, NJ Spouse's full birth name: Carol Ann Gibbs Sweet Occupation: Computer Specialist

Great job Stu, we need the whole family to sign in.

12/21/97 04:09:36
Name: Stuart Sweet, Jr. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Are we related? How?: I am the eggman! Is there a Sweet in your family line?: Duh!?! Date of birth (mm/dd/yy): 10/08/48
Birth place (city & state): Camden, NJ Spouse's full birth name: Martha Wehrenberg Occupation: Controller/Construction

I know this is dumb, but I had to test it out and see the results.

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