Sam Sweet's Tree

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This page and subsequent links are primarily devoted to the further delineation of the Sweet Family Tree, with particular emphasis focused on ancestors and descendants of Samuel Isaiah Sweet. Samuel was born in Nova Scotia, the son of Shubael Sweet and Hannah Dodge.

Other names associated with this tree are, Dodge, White, Stitt, Farquhar, New, Armistead, Morris and Smith. More recent family names include, Rockafellow, Pritchard, Mayer, McCorristin and Ward.

According to his death certificate, Samuel was born October 24, 1851.   He emigrated to the U.S. from Nova Scotia and was naturalized in Wilmington, Delaware on September 18, 1890.  Also around 1890 Sam married Janet White.   Janet  was born on November 6, 1861 in Kirkcudbright, Scotland.  Janet's parents were James White and Janet Stitt.

Samuel and Janet  had two children, Ronald Evans and Janet Isabelle.  Isabelle had no children.  The descendants of Ronald Evans Sweet live mostly in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania with a few of us in Indiana and a few in Colorado. 

When I first started my research, Sam was the oldest ancestor I had found, hence the name for these pages. Subsequently, I have managed to find a few more. My great grandfather now can be shown as Samuel Isaiah Sweet (Shubael, Benoni, Benoni, Benoni, Benoni, James, John "the immigrant".) In addition, there is some conjecture suggesting that John "the immigrant" can be further traced (Robert, John Swete II, John) where John is John Swete who was born about 1512 in Upton, South Mylton, England.

If you have additional information relating to this subject, please send e-mail to

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Since 1/10/98


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