Virginia, Talladega County, Alabama |
1817 - 1865 According to family tradition, James aka Jim DUNCAN had two families on adjoining plantations and my great-grandfather Albert MORRIS was his son by Julia A. MORRIS. This is partially supported by Albert MORRIS's death certificate where his father's name is recorded as Jim MORRIS and his mother as Julia. James DUNCAN was born ca. 1817 in South Carolina. According to his 1880 census entry his father was born in France. He was a 'mulatto'. 1840 In the 1840 census for Talladega county, Marcus M. Duncan appears on page 249. The following slaves are enumerated in his household.
1850 Federal Census, Talladega, Ala In 1850, the slave schedule shows that M.M. Duncan owns 19 slaves. I cannot positively identify my gg-grandfather in this record. 1860 Federal Census, Talladega, Ala In 1860, Marcus M. DUNCAN is in Talladega County but I have not been able to find his slave schedule. |
1865, Talladega, Ala Marcus M. Duncan seems to have died about December of 1864. The "inventory of appraisement" for Marcus M. DUNCAN, dated January 6, 1865 shows the following slaves:
Since slavery ended in May 1865, it seems unlikely that any of the slaves were been sold off. As far as I can tell, historically most if not all of the African–ancestored families surnamed DUNCAN in Talladega County can be traced to the Marcus M. Duncan plantation.
1866 Talladega, Alabama On page 84 of the 1866 Colored Census for Talladega County, I found the following family:
I believe these are my DUNCANs.
1870 Federal Census, Talladega, Ala I have not been able to locate Jim/James DUNCAN in the 1870 Alabama Census. Either the family was away, or more likely was simply missed by the census enumerator.
1880 Federal Census, Talladega, Ala In 1880 he was living with his wife Francis (b. 1837 in Georgia). and their children
James' son, Albert MORRIS was an established farmer living not far away in Beat 6.
1900 Federal Census, Talladega, Ala By 1900 James was living with his son Dedman and grandson Richard in Wewoka. Francis was apparently deceased. I have not been able to locate James DUNCAN in the Alabama Death Index (starts 1908) and conclude he probably died between 1900 - 1908.
Some Descendants of James DUNCAN 1. James DUNCAN (b. ca. 1817, SC - d. 1900-08, Ala)
2nd marriage of James DUNCAN
* in the 1920 Census there are two children, Eltes DUNCAN b. 1906, and Deadman DUNCAN, b. 1912, enumerated with their uncle Samuel CHAPMAN in Alpine. I suspect a relationship to my Dedman, but cannot prove it.
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