lisa - 12/24/00 00:17:24 | Comments: |
lisa - 12/24/00 00:17:23 | Comments: |
lisa - 12/24/00 00:17:21 | Comments: |
lisa - 12/24/00 00:17:21 | Comments: |
lisa - 12/24/00 00:17:20 | Comments: |
lisa - 12/24/00 00:17:19 | Comments: |
lisa - 12/24/00 00:17:19 | Comments: |
lisa - 12/24/00 00:17:11 | Comments: |
heather livingston - 12/03/00 12:25:16 My URL: My | Comments: I like your web site Is so cool |
Jan Pen - 10/23/00 05:01:19 My | Comments: would like to add some christmas lights to my screen for the holidays. Thanks, if you can send them. |
Audrey - 09/29/00 23:40:47 | Comments: cute snowflakes! |
Lottie - 08/02/00 12:25:11 My URL: My | Comments: When I went to adopt a snowflake it says the username is invalid. Maybe you should fix the problem otherwise it's a great site to visit! |
- 11/15/99 00:33:56 My | Comments: Unable to adopt. Page specifies page owner needs to fix page error 8-( |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Nibbles - 07/30/98 14:22:17 My URL: | Comments: This is a cool page, I love the snowflakes. Great graphics! Well done! |
Happy-Nappi - 07/15/98 07:17:44 My URL:/Enchantedforest/Cottage/9518 My | Comments: KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Krazy - 02/02/98 04:08:28 My URL: My | Comments: Greetings and Salutations...I LOVE your web fact, I have adopted a light and a flake...they are located on my web page if you want to check it out...with a link back to your page...take care...Krazy...p/s...if you have any more items/pets to ado t, please let me know and I will adopt them and put them on my web page...thanks... |