Jubilation Guestbook

Charles and Marilyn Burgess - 11/04/00 04:10:15
My URL:http://homestead.juno.com/cmburg
My Email:cmburg@juno.com

I've signed your guestbook once, but noticed our URL wouldn't open. I've been revisiting sites to see if anything has changed. God bless you as you continue in your service to our Lord. Love; Marilyn and Charles

LTC Larry T. Holmes - 10/08/00 20:05:07
My Email:larry.holmes@ms.ngb.army.mil

AWESOME! Still have your first tape cut MANY years ago. Charlie sent two new ones several weeks ago and I cannot believe how much better you've gotten. You were great, even back then, but ABSOLUTELY AWESOME now! Look forward to seeing you 2 December i Brandon. Charlie, Joe & Ronnie - "LOOKIN' GOOD!"

Celeste Cade - 08/16/00 14:31:30
My Email:celcade@aol.com

Dear Ronnie, I like the Jubilation website. I decided to take few minutes to check it out.

Everett Adams - 06/03/00 12:13:36
My URL:http://www.newsflashsounds.com
My Email:eadams@nf.sympatico.ca

Man!Great singing.

LTC Larry T. Holmes - 05/19/00 13:01:56
My Email:holmesl@ms-arng.ngb.army.mil

Dawgone it, Carruth, you and them Simmons boys still at it!! Ain't surprised. I still have my Jubilation tapes from many years ago and still listen to them. Give Joe & Ronnie my best. God Bless, LH

Val Johnson - 04/29/00 16:19:23
My Email:vsongmaker@blomand net

Hello Guys!...Just surfed in and...would like to invite you to hear some of my original songs...,I am looking to place with quality dedicated singing ministries such as yours!..Some of my songs that you may have heard on radio(Coming Soon-SPENCERS)-(The S n Rose-INSPIRATIONS)-(Class of 2000-KEVIN SPENCER FAM>)-(Something In Red-CHANDLERS)Etc....LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU'RE LOOKING FOR NEW MATERIAL>>>> VAL

val johnson - 04/29/00 16:11:29
My Email:vsongmaker@blomand.net

Hello!...This Southern?Countrygospel songwriter just surfed onto your web...I have a lot of songs to place with quality groups...some of my songs you may have heard on radio are:"The Son ROse"-by the Inspirations..."Coming Soon"-by the Spencers..."Class 0 2000"-by Kevin Spencer Fam...'Where are the children"-By Roy Drusky of the Grand 'ole opery..."Earths'Loss/H'vns gain"-by the singing Cookes...etc...etc. Let me know if when you are needing material and i'll send a tape for you to listen to!..........Val br>
Charles and Marilyn Burgess - 03/31/00 05:26:54
My URL:http.//homestead.juno.com/cmburg/
My Email:cmburg@juno.com

Listened to one of your songs on Real Gospel Music Online. Enjoyed it. We are in our 60's and have been on the internet since Jan. I am so happy with all the Gospel groups I have found. I like to sign your guestbooks, and would love to have you sign ours. God bless you, as you bless us. Love; Charles and Marilyn

Brenda Morrow with Southern Praise Vocal Band - 03/29/00 18:00:06
My URL:http://www.sgmweb.com/spvb
My Email:spvb@sgmweb.com

Enjoyed my visit to your website. Larry Adams from Ohio said to tell you he sent me. Feel free to visit our website and sign our guestbook while you are there. Brenda with Southern Praise Vocal Band

BILLY W. THOMAS - 03/20/00 20:08:27
My URL:http://gospelrhythmmasters,com
My Email:billywelsie@i-55.com

great web page and i love your singing

Kim & Janie Davidson - 03/03/00 04:47:48
My Email:kimjdavidson@aol.com

First heard Jubilation in 1999 in Bogalusa, the Anchormen and the Hoppers were in concert. My pick was Jubilation out of the three. The 4 part harmony singing was the best! Anytime they are close by, we make an effort to go see them. If you have not h ard them sing, you are missing a blessing! Kim & Janie Franklinton, Louisiana

Gustav Stenmark - 03/01/00 22:41:09
My URL:http://w1.243.telia.com/~u24302222

I just surfed via a guestbook and came to your site. I like it a lot. You have a super great site. I hope that you will come and visit me. Thanks for taking the time vote for best site of the month in Swedish Pyramiden. I'd love to hear from you! Love & God Bless !! Gus

Don E. Thomas - 02/22/00 19:10:15
My URL:http://www.relationsqt.org
My Email:dthomas770@aol.com

Great site. And continue to care the message.

Wm. E. Terrell - 02/14/00 03:51:39
My Email:StmBtBill@aol.com

Glad I heard about you although I haven't been fortunate enough yet to see & hear ya yet. Would be helpful if you could include a little more data on you page. i.e. where folks could travel to see you when you can't travel to see them; any sort of sehedule, etc. Thanks and God Bless

Paul T. Jones - 02/02/00 20:44:46
My Email:ptjplm@iolok.com

I found you on the internet. I enjoy seeing and hearing you guys. I pray for you all the time. I still have your picture in my office. Bro. Paul

KYLE CARRUTH - 01/29/00 18:43:32


Bonnie VanHouten - 01/22/00 06:14:33
My Email:bonniev@pionet.net

Just found this sight while surfing gospel music Enjoyed the music clips very much

Larry Adams - 01/19/00 01:43:42
My URL:http://www.unclemo.freehosting.freeservers.com
My Email:unclemo@kellnet.com

I know I signed this once ,but that was before you all came to Vermilion,Ohio and I had the the honor of being with you all through four concerts.What a impact of our Lord you left on all the folks here in the Buckeye State.Everyone is looking forward to our return.Anyone that goes to this webpage should do everything possible to have them come to your church for a concert or special event.What a blessing everyone will receive in our Lord.Just keep on keeping on for our Lord guys

Tiffany - 12/29/99 04:12:42
My Email:ronlin@telapex.com

I hope you will have a good year.

Tiffany - 12/29/99 04:10:57
My Email:ronlin@telapex.com


Martha Miranda Miller - 12/17/99 23:44:52
My URL:http://www.sparrowsnest.com
My Email:martha.miller@mindspring.com

I don't suppose it has dawned on the minds and hearts of we mortals that possibly we have heard the call, Go ye out to meet Him? Or, has it dawned upon our mortal minds that this great Net that has been cast over the earth is that which the LORD Jesus pr phesied about that would drag in all the fish both good and bad and they would be sorted? Or has it dawned upon us at all that the 'angels' that fly in the heavens calling the elect together are now doing that, even from one end of the earth to the other and is simply a sign in the heavens that when we can look up our redemption draws nigh to us, and do we not sign heavenly books as guests? Just some thoughts to ponder.

11/10/99 04:24:57
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Linda Sterling - 10/20/99 17:44:18
My Email:lmsslp@yahoo.com

Just checking out the website of one of my favorite gospel groups.

Belinda Johnson - 10/15/99 19:43:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/belindajohnson
My Email:jministr@bellsouth.net

Hi...love the website. Keep up the great work and God bless!

Carolyn Downey - 09/28/99 08:36:31
My URL:http://www.inu.net/c.downey
My Email:c.downey@inu.net

this is a test

Joseph Higgins - 09/24/99 23:46:54
My Email:jhiggins@hotmail.net

Great site & enjoyed the soundbites. Keep up the great work for our Lord.

Jesse Strittman - 07/22/99 17:17:46
My Email:jesse_023@hotmail.com

I had to come get a second look. I am so proud and honored to know you guys. Mary Nell and I love you and wish you all the best. This is the best web page I have ever seen.

Jesse Strittman - 07/22/99 12:02:41
My Email:jesse_023@hotmail.com

WOW!!!! What a beautiful page, you did great. Would look better without Jone in it, hahahaha. But it is very nicely done, great job. Jesse

Gary Vail/Gulf City Boys - 06/28/99 23:30:00
My Email:garnell@metro.net

I was searching the webb and found your site.I still listen to your tapes on the road.Please email me if your going to be in our general area any time soon. We would love to see and hear the guys again soon. Always in CHRIST! Gary Vail,

Lou - 06/04/99 19:16:13
My URL:http://www.zoomnet.net/~blgpts
My Email:blgpts@zoomnet.net

Gospel music is the greatest..nothing can compare...done it for 20 years

tim crosby - 05/25/99 18:42:22
My Email:crosby@wnonline.net


tim crosby - 05/25/99 18:36:35


Stewart Varnado - 05/04/99 05:34:49
My URL:http://webusers.compsurf.com/depno
My Email:depno@compsurf.com

Hey Guys! Like the site! hope to work with ya'll soon. Talk with you later. God Bless!

Kevin Bishop - 05/02/99 02:56:01
My URL:http://www.newwine.net
My Email:newwinegroup.net

Hey. Hey. Hey Good to here from you guys. Ya'll sounded great the other night. Can't wait to here you again...God Bless...no trailer deal...come up off of that money..... Kevin Bishop

Gloria Conn - 04/20/99 04:06:07
My URL:/Heartland/Bluffs/6409/indexpage.html
My Email:conn@moment.net

Ronnie, I just had to visit your site again. Carolyn does a great job. Love the applet. I have enjoyed listening to your music again. You have added a new album since I was here last. I am going to order one of your cassettes in the near future. I appreciat the fellowship we have through e-mail. I have been very moved by the words and/or images you send. I love the Lord Jesus and I am so glad I am a child of His. Give the group my best and God bless you and Jubilation and your families! Love in Christ, Gloria

Jerry Jay - 03/29/99 23:14:49
My URL:http://www.netdoor.com/com/thegospelmessengers
My Email:jjay@netdoor.com

Great to see your home page. How are things in Magnolia Mississippi. Keep up the good work. May God continue to bless you as you continue to serve him.

Larry Adams - 03/29/99 03:50:27
My Email:unclemo @kellnet.com

I have talked with you all threw E-mail so much ,that I figured I could at least sign your guest book.Just keep up the great work for our Lord.

BOO! - 03/20/99 22:48:55
My Email:awatts1@bellsouth.net

just clicked in on realgospelmusic.com!! HEY HEY HEY!! souding pretty good; I sure do miss the music;still want to come play a couple;see ya and keep on keeping on

woody tyson - 03/15/99 07:18:20
My URL:http://www.woodytyson.com
My Email:wtysonlove@aol.com

i was raise up in mcComb. i am also lookin for isawthelight.mid do you know where i can fine it.

sunshine - 01/24/99 00:42:07
My Email:sunshinebrenda@hotmail.com

I really enjoyed your site it blessed me.Keep up the good work.

Glory Train Records - 01/17/99 02:17:18
My URL:http://members.aol.com/smssounds/Glorytrn.html
My Email:Glorytrn@aol.com

Just surfed on in. Listened to your music. Sounding Good. Keep Up the work for The Lord .

God's Country Music Chart - 01/17/99 02:09:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/godscountr
My Email:Godscountr@aol.com

Hi Guys. Nice site. I found you while visiting another guestbook. Come visit God's Country Music Chart and sign guestbook so others may contact you. May God richly bless you in all your efforts for Him.

Linda Martin - 11/30/98 04:55:44
My URL:http://members.aol.com/healing4u
My Email:Healing4u@aol.com

I was like Humpty Dumpty - I had a great fall. My life was in shambles until the King put me back together again. I have a testimony of my own fall and healing from brokenness. God bless you abundantly! I pray many come to Christ through your page. Feel f ee to visit my site. I have a burden for those within the Body of Christ who are hurting and broken. There is hope and healing through the blood of Jesus. When our lives are shattered, even as a result of our own failures, God is willing and ready to forg ve. The King will pick up the broken pieces of our life and lovingly put them back together again. The world disgards broken vessels but God restores them and uses them for His glory.

J.T. - 11/14/98 04:56:03
My Email:bigtrack@crockettnet.com

Hello Fella's What a blessing! I am so proud of you. I have gone over your website at least a dozen times in the past 2 hr.s and have reminiced, from our first song together, thru all our good times. I look back on those day's as some of the most rewarding and fulfilling of my life. You are a testament to be compared to. I consider it an honor and truly a privilege to have stood with you. "Think back to the time when Jesus saved your soul...." Your Friend

Casey Cappleman - 10/26/98 20:15:06
My URL:http://www.crosswayqt.com
My Email:Casey@Crosswayqt.com

Greetings from north Mississippi! Cool site! Please visit our website and sign our guestbook. Keep up the good work.

Steve Bishop - 10/21/98 18:32:44
My Email:bishop@smcc.cc.ms.us

Outstanding Page. I'm still hearing good things about the singing at Southwest!!!! Ya'll sounded great!!!

Dickie & Eldora Gilchrist - 10/10/98 03:59:41
My Email:gilchres@knet.com

Your web site is great, the sound clips are good!! Carolyn Downey sure does a good job!!!She's offered to do ours also!! Still singing and praising the Lord in East Texas!! Eldora of "The Messengers". GOD BLESS!!

End Time Ministries - 10/08/98 18:18:24
My URL:http://www.etm.org
My Email:info@etm.org

Just saying hello from the Garden State, New Jersey! Be Blessed!

BOO! - 09/25/98 02:35:27
My URL:http://www.bellsouth.net
My Email:awatts1@bellsouth.net

hey guys Love ya Boo!

Revelation Quartet - 08/17/98 02:31:44
My Email:revelationqt@usa.com

Ronnie that you for viewing our new web page.The page is only three months old and was down for five weeks after zoom lost our page, go figure. Enjoyed your page and info also.We also had three original members for eight years until our Tenor moved to Cha t. Idon't know how to do the linking thing but would like to have you guys linked to our page and our group to yours. We have a link to Gloria's Gospel Page but have no idea how it happened. God Bless you and your group and keep singing for Jesus, keep i touch.

Don Yelvington - 08/12/98 00:35:27
My URL:http://www.sogm.com
My Email:http://hdean@door.net

Thanks for visiting myWeb Page. Let me know when you are coming to Lubbock area and I will try to meet you. Also I am on radio and TV out here and would be happy to play you music. My mailing address is Stars of Gospel Music P O Box 6746 Lubbock, Texas 78493. Thanks and God Bless. Don

Brian Monehan - 07/31/98 23:54:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/briangela
My Email:ggpm@wwd.net

I like your site. I'm originally from NE Arkansas. I've been to Mississippi many times. God Bless your ministry!

Don Yelvington - 07/02/98 03:44:59
My URL:http://www.sogm.com
My Email:hdean@door.net

Like you web site. Also like your sound. Please visit my web page also. God bless

Phillip Johnson - 06/23/98 17:29:40
My Email:pvjohnson1@ems.att.com

Y'all sound really great.Love that harmoney. I pray that God will bless your ministry. Keep up the good work---Phillip Johnson/Georgia

Joey Belk & Julie Woodward - 06/22/98 17:49:07
My Email:mx309jlb@aol.com

I'm the fiance of Julie who is a member of the Faithful Singers from Baker, LA. We really enjoy your concerts and will continue to follow you when possible. Thank You See you Aug. 1 in Tickfaw if not before.

Carol & Mark Coleman - 05/26/98 15:16:24
My Email:coleman@zoomnet.net

Thanks for resending your web site address. I've wanted to show your page to some friends and haven't been able to. Thanks for the reinforcement...the reply to my e-mail, Ron. I hope and pray you're all doing fine. Take care. Please keep the Gabriel uartet in your prayers. Singer/pianoist of the Gabriel Quartet... "Singing the Gospel 'til the Trumpet Sounds!", Mark & Carol Coleman <>< +†+ \o/

Amethyst - 05/21/98 14:35:31
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net

Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday.

yvonne chase - 05/13/98 11:52:35
My Email:ychase@brunnet.net

I love the music - of course I am partial to gospel music and really like the male choruses. Have attended many concerts and always enjoy. God Bless.

Larry Smith / Larry Smith Ministries - 04/28/98 16:23:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8654
My Email:sougospelsinger@hotmail.com

Hello Jubilation! Just surfing around and found your site. Enjoyed visiting and listening to your sound clips. Keep on singing, and spreading the word about Jesus! Check out my homepage if you get the chance. I sing Southern Gospel too.

In Christ,

Larry Smith

Eric Ch'ng - 04/10/98 05:24:21
My Email:eric_chng@resurrection.com

I highly recommend eManna (electronic manna) to you. It is a free daily email of the Bible with insightful and living elucidation that will supply you with life.

The URL is http://www.emanna.com

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all...

Tina L. Traxler - 04/01/98 00:43:40
My URL:http://www.johnstown.net/users/holymoments
My Email:holymoments@johnstown.net

Greetings Jubilation Quartet! I just recently joined the Southern Gospel Music Ring and clicked on random and lo and behold there you were! You're a great looking bunch of gentlemen, and your sound is really good (I listened to He's Alive and Son, Why D n't You Talk to Me?). I hope you find this is amusing as I did, but I sing with a group out of Johnstown, Ohio called THE JUBILATION SINGERS. You're invited to come by and browse out page also. We don't have anything fancy on our site, just a photo and basic information, no sound clips . . . . . yet. The URL is http://www.johnstown.net/users/holymoments/newjube.htm Stop by my site also, the URL is listed up top. It's called Holy Moments Music. Blessings on you as you sing for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! -- Tina T.

Kevin Carruth - 02/26/98 20:15:27
My Email:hotshot@telapex.com

hi guys, just dropping in to check the site again. it is really looking good! the music clips aint too bad neither. :)

terry pigott - 02/17/98 02:16:17

very nice

Marilyn (Mimi) Ward - 01/30/98 14:03:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/7012/
My Email:mgward@utmem1.utmem.edu

Hi Ronnie...I thoroughly enjoyed your sound clips. Great page!!!!!!!!!!

Gloria Conn - 01/19/98 09:10:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~gloco/GloriaHomePage2index.html
My Email:conn@moment.net

Your page is great. I enjoyed the sound clips very much. I love Southern Gospel Music. Yours in Christ, Gloria Conn

David Meeks - 01/04/98 03:08:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bigsgfan/index.html
My Email:bigsgfan@aol.com

Nice web site!! May God bless you as you minister for him!!

kevin carruth - 12/10/97 08:07:53
My Email:hotshot@telapex.com

hi guys, your page keeps getting better and better. i stop in from time to time to check. did anyone ever tell ya'll that i resemble one of the uglier members of the group??? i want point any fingers - i would rather ya'll fight over which one that is! hehehehe! kevin

Carol & Mark Coleman - 12/01/97 23:06:02
My Email:coleman@zoomnet.net

HELLO Ron; I sent you an e-mail message Sunday night and it got returned to me USER UNKNOWN! Do you no longer have YOUR e-mail address? We were wanting some information concerning Greater Vision if yo could help. Do you have Greater Visions' e-mail address OR erald Wolfe's? Needing a soundtrack that they use when singing out, but we've been unable to obtain. Could you please help? Also, we want to let you know that the web page is looking nicer all the time. We apologize for having to write to you this wa . In our prayers, Carol & Mark Coleman Sec. for The Gabriel Quartet & tenor for the Gabriel Quartet <><

Carol F. Coleman - 11/24/97 15:15:06
My Email:coleman@zoomnet.net

Hello Ron, Thanks for giving me your site address. It looks wonderful! I just didn't have alot of time to go looking into everything you had and I had difficulty with MY real audio. Looks great, Ron! Wish you all well in your ministry. \o/ Praise His Name. Sis in Ohio, Carol F. Coleman, Mark's sister Pianoist & Sec. for the Gabriel Quartet!

boo - 11/15/97 23:52:33
My Email:awatts1@bellsouth.net

I couldn't listen to the bytes, because I don't have realaudio loaded yet,but I'm working on it. Looks good Boo

kevin carruth - 11/12/97 05:57:02
My Email:hotshot@telapex.com

hey guys, love your web page. mine is not nearly as extravagant kevin.

Mark A. Coleman - 11/11/97 22:21:06
My Email:coleman@zoomnet.net

yeh Ron, it's lightning on a clear day! Look forward to see what you will do with this page. Do a bio of each member of your group and a list of songs that each member has written. See ya later. mac \o/

Carol F. Coleman - 11/08/97 21:58:56
My Email:coleman@zoomnet.net

Hello! Ron, I was checking out the information you gave in your latest e-mail message. Wow! Awesome! :) Remember me??? I'm Mark Coleman's sister...who has the computer. Can't wait 'til I see after construction of this page is started and more intail d. Praise the Lord \o/ He loves US! Sis in Ohio, Carol <>< Mark's sister & sec. for the Gabriel Auartet!

boo - 11/07/97 23:54:37
My Email:awatts1@bellsouth.net

When will this be active? What are you going to post on it? How did you get this? Where are you going next?Is Joe still kicking?Where are you singing next?Can I sing too?HA!Call me;will see you around Thanksgiving

Terry Renfroe - 11/07/97 17:35:16
My URL:http://www.the-jordans.com
My Email:the-jordans@rocketmail.com

Hi Ronnie, Haven't heard from you in a long time. Glad to see you are still around. I know you are excited about having your own site and I'm sure CD will do an excellent job for you. Visit our site if you get a chance. We have made a few changes ther ! Hope to talk to ya soon! God Bless! For Him We Sing, Terry Renfroe The Jordans

Celeste Cooper - 11/07/97 17:20:46
My Email:ccooper@intersurf.com

Congrats on your website! Can't wait to see how it develops.

Carolyn Downey - 11/06/97 04:23:53
My URL:http://www.inu.net/c.downey
My Email:c.downey@inu.net

Hi Ronnie, thought I'd be the first to sign in :-)

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