Lookup Volunteers

Please read guidelines. Lookups are limited by copyright laws.


USGenWeb and SC GenWeb coordinators are working together on the issue of copyright laws and use of look-ups in materials protected by these laws. Please do not jeopardize our ability to help you and others. Here are two guidelines:

1) Lookup requests that require the use of materials protected by copyright should be limited to one surname, or perhaps two if it is a married couple. Our lookups will extend to searching the book to determine if the book would be helpful to you in your research. Should the book prove useful, we may be able to help you find ways to purchase or obtain the book (e.g., interlibrary loan, etc.)

2) Information provided by the volunteer may be minimal. For example, if it is a cemetery lookup using a copyright protected document, the volunteer may only be able to confirm the existence of the information in the document.

If you request a look-up, please ONE surname at a time, with the date, spouse, etc
providing as much info as possible to assist volunteers in their search. Thank You.

If you have a resource you'd like to share, please email Jane Hurd

South Carolina Wills 1670-1853 or later by Mary Bondurant Warren centavo@lserv.com
North and South Carolina Marriage Records, by William Montgomery Clemens
NOTE: North and South Carolina marriage records are scarce for the early years but there is always a possibility.
Early Pee Dee Settlers Kathleen Mangum
Index of Names From The Pee Dee QueueD. Krog
History of the Old CherawsD. Krog
Rambles in the Pee Dee Basin, S.C. (Cook)D. Krog
St. David's Parish, SC: Minutes of the Vestry, 1768-1832Please Volunteer
St. David's Parish, SC: Parish Register, 1819-1924Please Volunteer
DarlingtonianaKen Taylor
Cokers of CarolinaKen Taylor
The Diaries of Evan Pugh, 1762-1801 (Rudisill, ed.)Please Volunteer
African-Americans at Mars Bluff, SC (A. W. Vernon)Please Volunteer
Genealogy of the McIver Family of North Carolina" (Helen McIver)Ken Taylor
Singletons of South CarolinaKen Taylor
Broken Fortunes, SC Soldiers, Sailors and Citizens who Died in the Service of their Country
and State in the War for Southern Independence, 1861-1865. (Kirkland)
Please Volunteer
Darlington County Deeds and GrantsPlease Volunteer
Darlington County Probate RecordsPlease Volunteer
Pioneers On The Great Pee DeePlease Volunteer
Annuals of Ebenezer: 1778-1950Please Volunteer
Darlington County Census - 1790Please Volunteer
Darlington County Census - 1800Ken Stanley
Darlington County Census - 1810Ken Stanley
Darlington County Census - 1820Ken Stanley
Darlington County Census - 1830Mary McCrury
Darlington County Census - 1840Jeffrey Hawkins
Darlington County Census - 1850 Jane P. Justice
Darlington County Census - 1860Ken Stanley
Darlington County Census - 1870Ken Stanley
Darlington County Census - 1880Jeffrey Hawkins
Doris Bateman
Darlington County Census - 1890 - Some parts remain: Civil War Veterans & Widow listings.Please Volunteer
Darlington County Census - 1900Jane Hurd
Darlington County Census - 1910Jane Hurd
Darlington County Census - 1920Jane Hurd
Darlington County Census - 1930Jane Hurd

©2001-2007 sc_darlington@hotmail.com

Comments? e-mail sc_darlington@hotmail.com : 15 July 2007
Please Volunteer ->