Welcome to the Darlington County SCGenWeb page.
Your county coordinator is
Jane Hurd.
Although I can't do personal research for individuals, I will try to answer any questions you have or direct you to a knowledgable person or source for an answer. NOTE: Please include the name Darlington in your subject line so that my email filters will recognize it.
Search for your surname on this web site.
This site is part of the
where you will find links to all of the county pages for South Carolina counties
and the The USGenWeb Project
where you will find links to all of the state pages for each of the states.
Both of these sites have moved recently to new URLs so please update your bookmarks.
Submit your family reunion information to sc_darlington@hotmail.com
NOTE: Please include the name Darlington in your subject line so that my email filters will recognize it.
Search for photos of your relatives.
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to the Darlington County SCGenWeb page.
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RootsWeb Message Board [Darlington] for new queries.
With the message board, your query will be posted
when you submit it. If you have information that will help someone who has a query posted, you can go
to the bottom of the page and send a response.
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You are visiting the Darlington County SCGenWeb page.
Visit the
RootsWeb Message Board [Darlington] for the latest queries.
© 2002-2008 sc_darlington@hotmail.com
21 June 2008