Mennonites of the Molotchna Colony,
Frank Jacob Doerksen
m Erna Toews
b-Oct 13 1916
b-Dec 28 1919
Gustarofka, Ukraine
m- June 11 1939
Lloyd Frank Doerksen
Judith Doerksen* b-Oct 17 1942
Margaret Doerksen
David Doerksen
Jonathan Doerksen
Frank was a hired man for Erna's
family. They knew each other for 5 years before they married. When they
married they lived in Stienbeck. When Judy was 1 year old they moved to
Jacob Doerksen III
m Margreta Friesen
b-Feb 27 1880
b-Oct 4 1882
Sergeevka, Furstenland
Johannasfeldt, Crimea
m-Nov 11 1901
Katherine Doerksen b-Sept 20 1902
m-July 23 1923 to Isbra Friesen
Agnes Doerksen b-Jan 11 1905
m-Oct 19 1930 to Jacob Delesky in Stienbeck Manitoba
Margaret Doerksen b-June 14 1908
died in infancy
Margaret Doerksen died
in infancy
Jacob Doerksen IV b- June 1910
m- Maria Hildebrant
{Margreta Friesen Doerksen
Died July 17 1910
Baby Jacob was only 1 month old
when his Mommy died. Margreta's sister was single and the family was pressuring
her to marry Jacob. She had pity on the children, so she did. It was a
loveless marriage.}
Jacob Doerksen m
Susanna Friesen
b- Dec 14 1885
d-early 1960's
d- Sept 1971
Married Sept 10, 1910
Susan Doerksen b- June 22
Frank Doerksen b- Jan 15
d- March 17 1915 of measles at age 2
Lydia Doerksen b-Dec 9 1914
Bervenkovo, Kharkove Region
died at her 50th birthday party Dec 10 1964. She went to lie down for a
rest in the middle of the party. The angels
were waiting for her.
*Frank Doerksen* b- Oct 13 1916
Gustarofka, Kharkove Region
m- Erna Toews (see above)
Helena Doerksen b- Sept 14 1918
Petrovka, Kharkove Region
John Doerksen b- Feb 3 1921
John fought
in World Ward II. He was in the battles on D-Day and was wounded in Germany.
When the medics came and got him they discovered
that he wasn't seriously injured. However the
top half of his helmet had been sheared of by the machine gun fire. Then
they found out that he spoke German. Well
now he was useful as a translator and never had to go into combat again.
After the war he was a minor and he died of bone cancer May 17 1987 in
Cranbrook , BC.
Bernhard Doerksen b- Aug 20 1924
Kleefeld, CANADA
The family arrived in Canada just
two weeks before Bernhard arrived. The family says he got a free ride!
Martha Doerksen b- Jan 23 1928
Stienbeck Manitoba
Jacob Johann Doerksen Jr
m Aganeta Rempel
b-June 18 1853 Rudnerweide
b- ca1853 Rosenort
d-Aug 29 1930
d-Oct 3 1918
m- 1873 Rosenort
*Jacob Doerksen III* b-Feb 27 1880
Girl Doerksen
Girl Doerksen Both of these
girls died in their teens, very close together.
Justina Doerksen- She was born
mentally retarded. She lived in an institution.
I'm not sure of the birth order
here or the dates of any of the girls
Jacob Doerksen Sr
m- Elisabeth Epp
Born in Prussia in the early 1800's.
Johann Doerksen
*Jacob Doerksen Jr* b- June 18
1853, m-Agenta Rempel.
Gerhard Doerksen
Tina Doerksen
Abrahm Doerksen b-May 1864
d- 1933
This Jacob Doerksen came to the
Molotchna Colony from Prussia in about 1803. They were with the second
group of settlers which consisted of 162 families.

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