of England
Solomon Angell  III              m           Mary Eliza Raymond 


*Olive Mary Angell*  

Solomon Angell II (April 26 1806-?) &  Lucinda Clark(e) 

Solomon Angell III

James Williams Angell            &                              Phebe Ann Morton 
B-15 OCT 1776, North Providence,Providence,Rhode Island      B- 28 MAR 1786 
D- 7 NOV 1850, prob,Leroy,Dodge,Wisconsin                           D-17 NOV 1854, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah 
                                            M- ABT 1802, Florence,Oneida,New York 
     1.Mary Ann Angell (8 JUN 1803 - 27 JUN 1882) 
     2. Gemima or Jemima Angell (4 OCT 1804 - ) 
     *3. Solomon Angell (21 APR 1806 - ) *
     4. Hiram Angell (7 JUL 1807 - ) 
     5. Truman Osborn Angell (5 JUN 1810 - ) 
     6. Washington M. Angell (8 OCT 1812 - ) 
     7. Phebe Ann Angell (12 OCT 1813 - ) 
     8. James Angell (7 DEC 1821 - ) 
     9. Abigail Moulton Angell (JUN 1823 - ) 
    10. Caroline Frances Angell (3 OCT 1825 - ) 

Solomon Angell I                   &                 Mary Tripp 
B- ca 1742                                                               B- ca 1747 
                                                               D-1819, N Providence,Providence,Rhode Island 
                   M- 7 AUG 1767, N Providence,Providence,Rhode Island 

     1. William Angell (FEB 1769 - ) 
     2. Freelove Angell ( - ) 
     *3. James William Angell (15 OCT 1776 - 7 NOV 1850)* 
     4. Lavinia Angell (1778 - ) 
     5. Susan Angell ( - ) 
     6. Joseph Angell ( - ) 
     7. Edward Angell ( - ) 
     8. Asa Angell ( - ) 

Abiah Angell                           &                  Freelove Smith 
B- 1 JUL 1713, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island      B-AFT 1710 
D-14 SEP 1760, Smithfield,Providence,Rhode Island      D-20 AUG 1766, Smithfield,Providence,Rhode Island 
                                  M- 17 MAY 1738, Smithfield,Providence,Rhode Island 

     1. Stukely Angell ( - BEF 1760) 
     2. Eber Angell (ABT 1740 - ) 
     *3. Solomon Angell (ABT 1742 - )* 
     4. Gideon Angell (ABT 1746 - ) 
     5. Rufus Angell (ABT 1750 - 28 FEB 1818) 
     6. Abiah Angell (ABT 1752 - JAN 1827) 
     7. George Angell (ABT 1754 - AFT 6 JUL 1789) 
     8. Hezekiah Angell ( - ) 
     9. Benjamin Angell (9 MAR 1760 - SEP 1826) 

Hope Angell                            &                           Ludia Olney 
B-22 DEC 1685, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island                B-30 APR 1688, Providence,Providence,RI 
D-11 FEB 1759/1760, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island       D-1748, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island 
                                      M-22 MAY 1712, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island 
     *1. Abiah Angell (1 JUL 1713 - 14 SEP 1760)* 
     2. Lydia Angell (8 MAY 1715 - ABT 1802) 
     3. Oliver Angell (20 FEB 1716/1717 - 1 APR 1799) 
     4. Elisha Angell (13 OCT 1719 - 14 NOV 1755) 
     5. Marcy Angell (4 AUG 1722 - ) 
     6. Thomas Angell (13 JUN 1724 - MAR 1792) 
     7. James Angell (31 MAY 1731 - JUN 1806) 

John Angell                             &                       Ruth Field 
B-ABT 1646, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island                B-ABT 1649, Fields Point,Providence,Rhode Island 
D-27 JUL 1720, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island            D-AFT 1727 
                                                          M-7 JAN 1670 
     1. Thomas Angell (25 MAR 1672 - 4 APR 1744) 
     2. Mercy Angell (1675 - 3 SEP 1721) 
     3. John Angell (ABT 1677 - 1744) 
     4. Daniel Angell (2 MAY 1680 - 16 JAN 1750) 
     5. James Angell (ABT 1684 - AFT 1757) 
     *6. Hope Angell (22 DEC 1685 - 11 FEB 1759/1760)*

Thomas Angell                         &                     Alice Ashton 
B-1 MAY 1618, St. Albans,Hertshire,England                     B-1 FEB 1617/1618, St. Albans,Hertford,England 
D-2 SEP 1694, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island           D-24 DEC 1694, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island 
                                 M-10 APR 1643, Providence,Providence,Rhode Island 
     1. Amphillis Angell (ABT 1640 - AFT 21 OCT 1694) 
     2. John Angell (ABT 1646 - 27 JUL 1720) 
     3. Mary Angell (AFT 1640 - AFT 23 MAY 1685) 
     4. Deborah Angell (ABT 1648 - AFT 21 OCT 1694) 
     5. Alice Angell (1649 - 13 AUG 1743) 
     6. James Angell (AFT 1650 - 3 MAR 1710/1711) 
     7. Hope Angell (AFT 1650 - BEF 23 MAY 1685) 
     8. Margaret or Margery Angell (ABT 1660 - AFT 1 MAR 1702/1703) 

Thomas Angell was born in 1618 and came to America in 1634 on the ship Lyon. Along with other he founded Providence Rhode Island. There is even a Thomas Angell Family Association.