This site mainly includes my .gifs created for personal homepages.
NOTE: Elaine369 has no control over banner ads.




Elaine369's Home in the Heartlands

no. 5569 Heartland/Acres

no smoke

"Home Sweet Homestead"

First opened Nov. 1997 *

RE­opened Oct. of 1999


It's nice of you to stop in.  I'm Elaine Dantzler the arrival of a computer in this home has sparked my interest in learning more about drawing, writing.  I managed to teach myself some things about setting up web pages, creating .gifs, and learning different computer programs.
This website includes several pages of of my .gifs created for personal homepages, put together using the various images and clipart provided by my programs, parts of my husband's images, and my artwork (scanned and/or computer drawn).
I have upload them to:
Elaine369's .gif(t)s for you.

For Best Viewing:  Use full screen and set browser font to New Times Roman or Courier New / medium
I have learned a way to improve the quality of images viewed Online!  In your Browser's Preference Area ­ under web graphics, just uncheck the, "Use compressed graphics box".

Don't forget to bookmark the page and to reload pages for updates.


I've added this candle to join in the virgil across the Internet, to the to raise awareness of violence against women across Canada and throughout cyberspace.
Click my candle to go to the original page.


Heartland Community's new Resource Center
The Resource Center is a place where you can make and help friends within our Community.
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* This site was compiled, written and/or edited by Elaine Dantzler.  Its entire contents are © 1997 -1999 Elaine Dantzler and/or the poet, artist or author as appropriate.
~Thank you for visiting.  Have a good day. ~



You've found my four-leaf clover, a gift from Jshryock.  To pick your own, just click mine.
Four-leaf clover's are very rare and are said to bring the holder of the clover GOOD LUCK.

Click here for Good Luck


These links are not part of this website.

Therefore you MUST use your brower's BACK button to return here.

Hubby's URL’s:
Andrew G. Dantzler Photo
My Photographic Memorial to the Woodstock Generation

My AOL site: Hello from Fremont Center ~ (That's upstate NY)
There are a few mini-webs off my AOL site:
 ~ We freelanced for THE  RIVER  REPORTER, and submitted two columns together.  One profiled artists the other collectors.  You can read more about these columns on: Elaine369's Writing Page
 ~ Word Play page: Step on no pets. Is a palindrome.  It was given to me by Mark, a friend of mine, and it was the inspiration for this page. I have included some of  my own word search puzzles.  There is even a link to a site I found where you can play Demented "Word Libs" .

Another AOL site of mine: Elaine369's Dancing Pages