Look well, for I am a form difficult to descern. I am a new moon, I am an image in the heart. -Rumi, depicting the words of the angel Gabriel.
A messenger angel who appeared toboth the Virgin Mary and to Muhammad. Gabriel is the angel of annuncistion, heavenly mercy, resurrection, and revelation. It is Gabriel who will blow the horn announcing the second coming of Christ. In Islamic tradition, Gabriel is the angel of humanity, the spirit of truth. His symbol is the lily.
Angels are heavenly, pure, and splendid, and yet have been given to us to keep us company.
The sun warms the skin and angels warm the heart with their music.
Angels wear many disguises: Friend, child, stranger- all to help us understand truth and light.
Knowing angels requires a leap of faith ~ A willingness to believe in their presence and their care.
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Rhonda's Angel Page
Precious Angel
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