Welcome To



Greetings and Salutations!


Well, I finally got my webpage started! With the fabulous help of my beautiful wife, Renee. (I MET HER ON THE NET AND "IT'S ALL GOOD"... SEE FOR YOURSELF...CLICK HERE)


This site will include some of my favorite Rock and Heavy Metal links, as I am a die-hard rocker!


I am also an avid fisherman. My favorite type of fishing is Sportfishing in S. California for Barracuda, Bonito, White Seabass, Calico and Sand Bass, and Yellowtail Tuna. I also spent the last two years in Alaska and got to do a lot of Salmon fishing. That's becoming my newest rage.


I am a student at West Virginia University and am currently enrolled as a pre-Social Work major. This is only temporary as I will be changing majors soon and also because I am failing English 2. J Oh Well!!


I am a musician (unemployed of course) and play Violin, Keyboards, and Bass Guitar.



I am currently into playing two different computer games. The first is Daggerfall. For those who like RPG's (Role Playing games), this is the ultimate. Buy a horse, buy a house, or a boat. Ahh the hell with it, check out the web page and buy the game...its awesome!

The second game is Diablo, This is a game with awesome graphics, that can be played single player or multi player over the internet for free! Join My Guild, create your own, kill other players, or kill players that kill other players. Makes no difference in this game, all's fair in love and battlenet. It's got a great Chat Room too, check it out.


Coming soon...My section on Ultima Online! An amped up version of Diablo where thousands of players can meet in a town, reek havock, rape, pillage, and kill. TOTAL ANARCHY...yahoo!!


This Page is currently undergoing a major facelift...one as large as the facelift Ronald Reagan could use. J Keep checking back as I will add all sorts of cool links and other crap pretty much on a daily basis. So for now... Later Daze and much better Lays!


Please send any questions or comments to me.


  If you're rich and/or would like to make a donation to my cause ('cause I need it) send cash, credit information, or any gifts to me. LOL!!  


Created by Brad Robertshaw

Created on 9/23/97 10:03 PM

This page is heard with Crescendo.