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How We Met

Part of our story that everyone seems to enjoy is that, although we graduated from Luther College together, we NEVER met at Luther. He even dated one of my friends! But I only have one recollection of ever seeing him - and I thought he was a dork. He doesn't remember even hearing my name, even though I was co-editor of the school paper, Chips, my senior year.

10 months after graduation, on March 15, 1996, my roommate and I threw our first St. Patrick's Day party. George had run into Jen at a previous party, and she had given him her email address and told him to write for directions to our party. So he emailed Jen, got directions, and headed our way. He almost didn't make it, because the directions were pretty round-about and he thought he was lost. (AND he even stopped and asked for directions!)

Well, he made it to the party. When I saw him walk in, I was a bit concerned, because I knew my friend whom he had dated was coming, and didn't know if she would want to see him. (I needent have worried, because they ended things amicably.) At some point during the party, we were both out on the balcony, and he told some jokes I thought were pretty good. We started talking and...

the rest is history!

Since we met at a St. Patrick's Day party, we consider St. Patrick's Day, March 17, our anniversary, even though the party was a few days before.