Welcome to our guestbook! Please take a minute to read through other's comments.

11/10/99 04:20:04
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Sarah Woltjer - 07/07/99 04:32:56
My Email:woltjesa@martin.luther.edu

Hi.. I was surfing and decided to look up "Nordic Choir" and you are actually the second result (after Luther's homepage). Congratulations on your wedding.. I just thought I would say hello. I am going to be a junior at Luther. I am a music (performance and church) and english major. I was in Nordic last year and it was incredible. I am looking so forward to going to Norway (and probably England) next year. Weston is still amazing.. doing jumping jacks with the best of us and reminding us to wear our jackets. :) Sincerely, Sarah Woltjer '01

Liane Paonessa - 02/22/99 19:53:36
My Email:lpaoness@eastern.edu

I am a student at Eastern College and I am also getting married. I am doing a senior thesis on planning a wedding, would you like to participate in my survey for my study? if so e-mail me at lpaoness@eastern,edu

Samantha - 01/18/99 17:24:54
My Email:spiceansugar@hotmail.com

You guys look like a great couple congrads on your wedding.

Tracey Kerins - 01/07/99 23:27:05
My URL:http://www.kerins.com
My Email:kerins@tiac.net

Congratulations to the both of you!! Very informative web page....great stories! I'm looking forward to viewing pics of the wedding. I thought this was such a great idea (wedding webs) so I decided to create my own. (Not sure exactly what I'm doing yet though : ) Haven't been able to access it for a while now due to ISP and other problems! My hubby and I wish you the best all the days of your lives together! I'll bookmark your page for the future! Congrats!!

- 12/16/98 01:29:04

This web page looks great!

John Farrell - 11/25/98 01:04:07
My Email:dw14939@deere.com

I've added your photo to the Farrell Family Home Page that I'm working on. Love, Dad

Joleene Fluegel - 10/23/98 01:01:44
My Email:sleepee@geneseo.net

what fun to see you and your life on the internet. when do we get to see pictures and updates from the honeymoon. Best wishes from Geneseo.

gabriel - 10/22/98 11:26:50
My Email:christe_eleison@hotmail.com

congratulations! may the love between 2 of u last till eternity.

joel - 10/12/98 05:27:39

congradulation on being married. :-)

10/02/98 11:29:00
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Jennifer Toups from:Thibodaux, Louisiana - 09/05/98 21:20:29
My Email:jgabrielle@hotmail.com

Have fun planning your wedding, and good luck in the future

Lonny A. Simmons - 08/23/98 21:24:00
My URL:http://webalias.com/lonny44
My Email:lon_she@gtn.net

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials...I have alread e-mailed you and wish you both a hapy life together...

Kate Muhl - 08/22/98 13:02:33
My Email:KMuhl@aol.com

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I was scouting people's wedding pages and found yours -- you have the same wedding date my fiance and I have, though we'll be married in the Twin Cities. And it looks like the groom and I went to the same high sc ool (though I was class of 1989) -- I assume he's the son of Norm? Anyway -- very nicely organized page, and best wishes!

Tracie Radtke - 08/12/98 16:40:11
My URL:http://www.abridesbestfriend.com
My Email:abridesbf@aol.com

Congratulations! Nice site. I enjoyed reading your stories.

It's Derrick - 07/20/98 18:09:09

I'm on my bosses computer at work! Cool page and I am practicing my dancing to "Good Things" Also, I am no longer with the State Patrol, I'm a Narcotics Investigator!!!!!! Anyway, I'll try to get my Tux sizes done in a few days. I'm just real busy. I'm probably going to come up one of hese weekends to see you guys and Jill Beam. Talk to you soon!!! SDP

howard remes - 07/18/98 14:39:17
My Email:howbarb@webtv.net

good luck and much happines. after 53 years i am completely satisfied with marriage as a wonderful way of life. i wish you the same. howard and barbara remes

Elaine - 05/14/98 13:03:52
My URL:http://www.ivillage.com/boards/0,1711,G,00.html
My Email:eharper@westga.edu

Hi Cynthia & George: First, Congratulations and Best Wishes!!! I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed visiting your 'wedding' site! You've done an excellent job! Secondly, I wanted to invite you to visit the "Here Comes the Bride" message board at iVillage. Please come and share your expertise & experiences with other couples who are planning weddings. The message board is brand new ... but growing! http://www.ivillage.com/boards/0,1711,G,00.html - then follow the link to "HCTB" Feel free to post a link to your wedding site if you would like! I think it would inspire other couples to create pages of their own. Have a GREAT day! Elaine Here Comes the Bride Moderator

Rick Morris - 05/14/98 00:42:41
My URL:http://www.websyte.com/unity/western
My Email:rmorris@pivotal.com

very nice work!!! Hope you liked your visit to the Seattle area and your Pivotal class.

kelle - 05/08/98 15:06:05
My Email:ckrue@yahoo.com

what a great idea! i'm getting married in 4 weeks and this would have saved us a lot of headaches. Congradulations!

Monica - 04/30/98 06:20:05

I'm getting married on June 6th! I just like to see what other folks are up to!! Best of luck! Enjoy this time - it goes by REALLY fast!

Andrea - 04/28/98 06:24:13
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/4158
My Email:lushish@nstar.net

Congratulations! I saw your banner on my web site. Thought I would take a look. Great Page. I wish you both the best of luck. Stop by my site sometime.

RAGI - 04/21/98 05:41:19


Jill Rushton - 04/14/98 22:47:51
My URL:http://www.goecities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9350
My Email:arejaycola@hotmail.com

Nice page. Please visit mine and sign the guestbook.

Lanie - 04/01/98 23:07:27
My URL:/Heartland/Estates/5265/wedding.html
My Email:deelanie@geocities.com


You have a great site! I definitely enjoyed my visit. I loved reading about your story and going though your pictures. I hope you much happiness in your marriage and always. Come visit our wedding page ... we would love it if you came to visit. :)

Take Care!

Joy - 04/01/98 20:44:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/4719
My Email:thady@rtpro.net

Great page, keep up the good work. best of luck on your upcoming wedding. My husband and I were married September '97. Check out our page for photos and info! Joy

Angie Mc - 04/01/98 18:04:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/7951/
My Email:sunnyside1@hotmail.com

You have a beautiful site here! I went through and read all your pages. You did an excellent job! Very nice pictures. (by the way...can you tell me how you got the text to the right of the picture like you did?) I'd like to get pictures of me & my gi ls on our page. Wish you both a beautiful life!

W. t. Pooh - 03/30/98 00:10:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/6012/
My Email:creynolds13@hotmail.com

I love the idea!

dtrails - 03/25/98 23:40:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/studio/5360/index.html
My Email:traylordwa@yahoo.com

CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding!!!! My wife and I were married this past summer on the beach in Montego Bay, Jamaica and we never tire or reflecting on our relationship, courtship and marriage. Best wishes to you both! dtrails

Faustino García Munguía - 03/25/98 01:12:28
My Email:Faustino_García@hotmail.com

Espero que puedan leer esto! Si ya lo leíste es que saben leer español, estuve buscando información acerca de parejas y como habían llevado a cabo su matrimonio y logré ver toda la historia de ustedes y me parece perfecta les deseo suerte! Bye!

karen - 03/17/98 22:18:14
hi I'm from England. Have a great life!

Edward Kleiner - 03/09/98 18:01:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/8622
My Email:72437.2367@compuserve.com

Hi George & Cynthia I just surfed via a geoguide from a site & came to your Wedding Web Site. Congratulations!!!!!!!! on the Wedding!!!!!!! May both your lives of happiness be great. I read the story of how you met & how you got your relationship & going steady & how you set your wedding dates. Plus I hope your honeymoon goes well. I see you had a great time in Badlands Wyoming & even San Fransis o. I went to both San Fransisco & Reno on a vacation trip in 1985. So come on down to my Website tell me the things you like on it & sign my guestbook. Thank You Very Much & congratulations again on your Wedding. Thank You Very Much. Sincerely Edward Kleiner

Jan Neuberger - 02/22/98 05:39:26
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/j/a/n/janalisa.html
My Email:janalisa@hotmail.com

I really liked your pages - you did an awesome job!

mateja - 02/21/98 21:59:18
My Email:jernej.podobnik@krajnik.si

enjoy the life saturday, 21.2.98 love deply smile always and it does not matter what will happend because if the heart speaks there is nothing and nobody in the world who can break your marriage. It is spring now and here in Slovenia is so beautifu. Everybody are in love,.... me too. And how are you. Please send me a message.

Ahmed Gaafar - 02/13/98 22:47:46
My URL:Coming soon
My Email:ahmed_gaafar@mailcity.com

well,i just passed by ur page while i was surfing the net.but that's a real nice page for a nice couple like u, i hope u have the most wounderful marriage ever,WOW it's valentine's day today by chance hope u the best of times together expect an email card from me on ur wedding day

gerlinde - 01/28/98 13:39:50

best wishes from salzburg fullfilled with sound of music - especially for U

melissa Ingram - 01/24/98 04:50:42
My Email:cmingram@home.com

Nice web page! Hope all is going well. I am getting married in August and was just browsing the web. Best wishes!!

Katie Rice-Nieder - 01/23/98 18:11:16
My Email:kniede@arizona.midwestern.edu

This is great. You look so beautiful Cynthia! Congratulations. And Happy Birthday!

Alana & Rob - 01/23/98 08:28:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1971/
My Email:Harley@uniserve.com

Now you made me want to go and redo my index page to be a little bit more romantic! Cute page!

Minz - 01/23/98 08:12:43
My URL:/Heartland/Estates/3457
My Email:sobamy@hotmail.com

Hi Neighbor - You have a great Web Page. You must have put in a great deal of effort. Keep up the good work! Just popping in to wish you A HAPPY BIRTHDAY and may God richly bless you on this joyful occasion.

Betty - 01/17/98 03:13:37
My Email:fyli@cscechk.com

You're great couple, I hope you have a wonderful life and 'make' a little baby soon.

Ritu Bahal - 01/15/98 18:01:55
My Email:bahal@net2000ke.com

Good luck for your forthcoming wedding. I am from Kenya and will keep a watch on your web page. Best wishes, Ritu Bahal

Ray - 01/14/98 18:01:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/8392
My Email:wakko54@juno.com

Congratulations! This is such a beautiful story. I'm still waiting for my sister to get married. It's been over two years since their engagement. At this rate, i don't know ifthey're ever going to get married......LOL

anonymous - 01/09/98 06:46:16


Bob Thomas - 12/26/97 01:46:13
My Email:thomrob@charlie.cns.iit.edu

Hiddily Ho Neighborino! George and Cynthia tying the knot! Wow. That's great! Long time no talk. Email me. We can catch up "off the web page." Congrats! PS: What a great idea! A wedding web page! How ingenious. Bob

Matt Chapman and Mary Ongjoco - 12/15/97 00:13:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~matt_mary
My Email:mechapm@mkg.com

Great page! Good luck in the future. What a coincidence, Mary and I have been to Wyoming and San Francisco together, too! The nude sunbathing at Grey Whale Cove was excellent.

Megan Trapp - 12/05/97 18:45:12

I'm so happy you two found the one you love. I hope you are very happy together! Best wishes!!!

Christine Penn - 11/24/97 22:10:03

It looks like you're meant for each other! I really liked the story and I love your animal - it's so cute. I don't know my email adress, sorry. You should show a picture of what the wedding looks like.

Melissa A. - 11/23/97 20:02:02
My Email:drandersons@prodigy.net

Well, Congratulations!! I am getting married on July 18th, 1998. And before I realize it, it will be here. I would like to say that your home-page is really interesting and helpful. I wish you the best of luck and more.

Amy - 11/20/97 06:22:19
My Email:blackstn@soc.umn.edu

Is this working? I finally got to check out your homepage!! Notice the time of this note and realize that you have no reason to be jealous of me being in grad school. Guess where I am? At school studying! :-( Anyway, congrats to a wonderful couple-- an't wait to be a part of the event!!!! :-) Amy, PA (i.e., Personal Attendant)

Wendy - 11/18/97 02:11:19
My Email:barry@the-link.net

Congratulations!! I'm planning a wedding also. After 6 years I finally snagged him. We're getting married April 18, 1998 in Montgomery, AL. We also have a very special member of our family, his name is Freddy the Ferret(he's the love of our life, Barry would have him walk down the aisle if possible). Well good luck and tell Otto that Freddy said HI!

laura,hanna and maria - 11/17/97 15:23:11
My Email:hkm97@hotmail.com


Jay Imerman - 11/04/97 06:13:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5358
My Email:jay@netquest.com

Hello, neighbor! I can't believe it, but you are a neighbor in many ways. I am in the Detroit area (not too far...). I am getting married on July 25, and will be adding a wedding info site to our Geocities website. I wish you the best of luck! Can't ait to tell Lisa about this...

franklin ortiz - 11/04/97 04:06:57
My URL:http://mercadonet.com/imt.htm
My Email:imtint@sol.racsa.co.cr

All the best from Costa Rica, Central America.

EDNA - 11/03/97 13:44:07
My Email:rmminge@caribenet.com

Hello! im writing you from Puerto Rico. Congratulaions the spacial day is coming... My wedding day is on december 6,1998 of course in Bayamon Puerto Rico.....

Shelly - 11/03/97 02:06:03
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~CurlyQ/index.html
My Email:CurlyQ@tripod.net

Well, congratulations on your upcoming wedding! It looks as if you two are just starting out with all of the wedding plans. Lee and I are getting married next Saturday! We can't believe how time has flown by - we've been planning our big day since Febr ary. Best of luck to you both!

shahzad chaudhry - 11/02/97 03:13:24
My Email:sac413@mail.usask.ca

i wish you people a very happy marriage and all the goodluck and happiness in the world.by the way i am from pakistan and am doing bsc.computer sciences in canada at univ. of saskatchewan. i gotta go to prepare for cmpt.mid-term!!!wish you wll the best!!!!

PILAR PINZON S, - 11/01/97 00:59:00


Marie Sullivan - 10/31/97 21:45:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/9663
My Email:msull1@pop.uky.edu

Congratulations! My fiance' and I are always checking our "guestbook" to see who wrote, so I thought it would be a nice suprise for you both to actually have someone send you a note! I had to laugh when I read the "how you met" section, for March 17th is a special day for Tom and I as well. I wish you both the best of luck for a wonderful future together. Don't let the wedding plans stress you out. Take care and best wishes Marie Sullivan

Cynthia - 10/27/97 18:26:10

Just making sure this works!

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