The optimal concentration of Colloidal Silver is 4 to 6 parts per million (ppm).  For internal use, it is recommended to use Distilled Water.  Tap Water or stronger concentrations are fine for external use.



  • Store in dark, opaque glass.  Light will precipitate the Silver ions out of the water over time.
  • Do not use metal utensils to handle.  Stir or serve with plastic or paper.




  1. Use 236.5 ml (8 oz) water in a glass container (e.g. a glass drinking glass)
  2. Insert electrodes (silver wires) into water
  3. Plug into wall
  4. Let stand 15 minutes
  5. Unplug electricity, and remove electrodes
  6. Rub electrodes with abrasive pad under running water
  7. Stir water with plastic spoon
  8. Switch electrodes to the opposite polarity, and repeat steps 2 – 7
  9. Repeat for 30 to 45 minutes of electrolysis time for internal use, or 45 to 60 minutes for a stronger concentration.
  10. Filter water through a coffee filter into the storage bottle.



  1. Use 236.5 ml (8 oz) water in a glass container (e.g. a glass drinking glass)
  2. Insert electrodes (silver wires) into water
  3. Plug into wall
  4. Let stand 10 minutes
  5. Unplug electricity, and remove electrodes
  6. Rub electrodes with abrasive pad under running water
  7. Stir water with plastic spoon
  8. Switch electrodes to the opposite polarity
  9. Filter water through a coffee filter into the storage bottle.




14 Gauge silver wire is 99.99% pure, order from:

CC Silver & Gold

2028 W. Camelback

Phoenix, AZ  85015-3441
(602) 242-6310

Saturation sensor is about $15 plus S&H:

Hanna Instruments TDS-1

Detecting Colloidal Silver is simple.  Because the colloid refracts Laser light, you can shine a laser into a clear container of Colloidal Silver.  If Colloidal Silver is present, the beam will be faintly visible in the water.  If you can not see the beam extending through the water, then there is no Colloidal Silver suspended in the liquid.  A standard red laser like the type used for presentations is ideal, and available from most drug stores, grocery, and convenience stores.