Below are writings which are original works by
myself. They fall into various
categories, and some are works in progress, so stay tuned to see them
as they unfold.
All works are Copyright � by Jay Imerman. All rights are reserved. No works, in part or in whole, may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Jay Imerman unless otherwise noted. There is no chronological order to the list below. |
Patriotic Works | Prose | Poetry | Other Web Sites
Family Tree | After our 1998 family reunion, I embarked upon this project to put together lineage information all in one place, that is available to everyone at any time, and to collect and preserve those bits of photographs and information that disappear over time. | |
Parenting Tips | Lots of useful stuff, including links, for those with little pranksters of their own. | |
Photos | Here is where you can keep up with the latest pictures. |
Family | Prose | Poetry | Other Web Sites
Patriotic Works
Below are writings which are both my own and those of others that I really like. I hope you find them inspiring, challenging, and thought-provoking. |
Day posted July, 2000 |
If anyone knows who wrote this piece, please tell me and I will post the information. EVERYONE MUST READ THIS, especially if you are a citizen of the United States of America. | |
The War on Terrorism |
My Apology to Fellow Americans | This is an expression of how the ideals of this country inspire me. | |
What the USA Means | An explanation of what my country means to me. |
Family | Patriotic Works | Poetry | Other Web Sites
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The Perversion of "Quality", or What's In A Word? | How has the word "Quality" been deliberately and destructively twisted for profit, and how does it negatively affect you? Read on. |
Winter Wonderland | Us folks in Michigan had a very unusual time in April 2003. Read about it & check out the photos! Guaranteed to get at least one laugh. | |
Jay's Philosophy | This work, circa 1983, was written on one of those nights where I had trouble falling asleep. The funny thing is, I found it in my file cabinet around 1996, and after rereading it, the main elements of it still hold for me; they have merely been deepened and strenghtened over the years. | |
Post-Battle Scene | This short work is an exercize in descriptive prose. It is a snapshot of a moment in time, taking place in a fantasy setting. | |
Sil Mandoth | This piece is a character sketch, designed to introduce a character, his background, and a little of how he thinks. | |
The Moon is Made of Cheese | As a short story, The Moon is Made of Cheese is designed to both describe my interests in the next step in Man's technical evolution, and to make a point about our behavior, and how it hinders us. | |
A Moment In The Life of Jay Imerman, June 11, 1993 1:50am EST | Profound? Maybe. Inspiring? Perhaps. Humorous? Depends. Definitive? Definitely. | |
My Dinner at Kimono's | Want something different? This may change the way you look at everything -- forever. | |
Untitled | This is a story I am working on - if you wanted to get a sneak preview! Not yet titled... | |
The Knight's Apprentice | Another story I am working on. | |
Why Send Humans Into Space? | From our recent Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy, a much-needed questioning of the purpose of our Space Program arises. | |
Remember When Air Was Free? | ||
Making Colloidal Silver | Some friends have shared with us some amazing stories of the healing properties of Colloidal Silver. Although I am a bit skeptical, I am open-minded enough to believe that there may be something to it. I am also skeptical enough of the motives of federal agencies, special-interest lobbies, and big business to believe that perhaps they don't have our best interests at the top of their list. |
Family | Patriotic Works | Prose | Other Web Sites
Stars | A poem I wrote one night after spending the 4th of July weekend "up North" looking at the night sky over Lake Huron, far from a large city. |
Family | Patriotic Works | Prose | Poetry
Below are some web sites that I have authored: | |
Family Tree | |
Supper Club |
Family | Patriotic Works | Prose | Poetry | Other Web Sites