Although there is no adequate substitute for regular, consistent medical care by a competent veterinarian, I've gathered together some excellent resource books for your consideration. These selections will aid you in providing great care for your pet with tips on nutrition, exercise -- you name it -- and it's always good to know how to administer first aid to our loved ones, whether they be two or four legged, don't you agree? Browse through these titles and see what might be a good addition to your home library.
Keep in mind, also, that there are now
health plans and pet insurance plans available for your pet.
They are offered by some of the larger veterinary clinics and cooperatives throughout the country. Some smaller offices might have "package" services, so be sure to ask. If none exists in your area, put a little money away each month or out of each paycheck. Earmark this money especially for pet healthcare expenses. Many banks have Christmas Club accounts. And, hey! They don't care what you use the money for. That type of account makes a fine medicare plan for your pet.
Please make a note of an emergency pet care facility in your area, in the event that an emergency arises and your regular vet is not available. Emergency Service In the Fresno/Clovis Area of California
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What Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You
by Pedersen & Simon
U C Davis Book of Dogs:
Complete Medical Reference Guide For Dogs & Puppies
Doctors Book of Home Remedies For Dogs and Cats
Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health For Dogs & Cats
© 1997 DearAggie