University Of Kansas

Center For Research On Learning
Institute for Research In Learning Disabilities
Lawrence, Kansas

Learning Strategies

“Effective and Efficient”
How To Learn

In almost every educational setting, there are some students who are low achievers.  The causes of low achievement are varied, but in many instances student perform poorly because they have not learned “how to learn”.  Recent research has shown that students can be taught “how to learn” by teaching them learning strategies.

A learning strategy is an individual's approach to a learning task.  It includes how a person thinks and acts when planning, executing, and evaluating performance on the task and its outcomes.

Learning strategy instruction focuses on both how to learn and how to effectively use what has been learned.

Some strategies are effective

Some strategies are not


The University of Kansas has developed a series of Learning Strategies which, when used in both the Special Education classroom and the Regular classroom.  Those titles include:

Word Identification
Interpreting Visual Aids
First-Letter Mnemonic
Paired Associates
Listening and Note taking
Assignment Completion
Test Taking
Sentence Writing
Paragraph Writing
Error Monitoring
Concept Anchoring Routine
Self Advocacy
Project S.T.I.L.E.

For more information concerning the Learning Strategies, click on the following link:

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