Positive Organizational

"Practice Makes Perfect"....no truer words have been spoken.  Practice....Practice...Practice.....Practice.   This process makes since except for the fact that most practices are not grounded in proven effective and efficient, research based concepts.

Spending time instructing students in concepts not attached to "proven" instructional practices will only serve to make them appear to be learning.

Over time they move further away from where they started.  Beginning with a plan steeped in effective and efficient practices ensures a positive learning experience.

Positive Organizational Discipline POD provides a framework for developing and implementing a plan.

The Basic Elements or POD Targets are:

Sound Instructional Interventions
    "Effective And Efficient Learning Tools"
Behavioral Management Techniques
    "Positive Control With Positive Results"
Organizational Skills For Students
    "Structure For Learning"
Learning Styles and Study Skills
    "Learning How To Learn"
Parents G.U.I.D.E. For Survival
    "Effective and Efficient Learning Strategies"
Attention Deficit Disorder
    "Understanding The Misunderstood"
Student G.U.I.D.E. For Survival
    "How To Survive Growing Up"

Each element provides a positive, organized, and disciplined approach to learning.

Utilizing a 'user-friendly' notebook system, POD provides the learner with hands on learning modules.

The notebooks are divided into 5 sections:

  Tab 1  Index - Overview - Introduction

  Tab 2  Content Handout

  Tab 3  Teacher Tips

  Tab 4  Parent Tips/Student Helps

  Tab 5  Cue-Vues

While each core area can stand alone and be implemented without specialized training; They can be linked together to provide a solid framework.  Training is available in any or all of the POD Targeted areas.  Fees based on location of training and number of participants.

For more information contact:

Major W. Simms, Jr.
2666 Guyan Avenue
Huntington, West Virginia, USA. 25702
or e-mail me at mwsimms@marshall.edu

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