Welcome to the Hazard Family Web site! This site provides a means for keeping the Hazard Family connected with both family and friends. Our goal is to use the Web and the Internet to foster communication for all of our relatives. Over time, we'd like the site to grow into a central information source for information about the family. The site is currently very specific to my family (the William Hazards of Northern Illinois, formerly of RI), but we encourage any Hazard relatives to please help us "branch out" by contacting us. Although we are the "owners" of HazardFamily.com, we wish to make it a resource for all Hazards. We are building a database of Hazards and would love to have input on how to achieve our communications goals. Webmasters (or webmaster wannabees -- young or old) are especially welcome! The site is very new at this point (first published Jan 1, 1998) so the content is quite sparse. We plan to add links to family web sites and home pages, relevant historic references, family member search capabilities, genealogy information, and more! We'll need your help to gather and publish this information. We invite contact from any relatives, potential relatives or friends!
E-mail: The Family Webmaster